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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Analysis of absolute amounts of two meiotic cohesin subunits, RAD21L and REC8, in mouse spermatocytes」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Analysis of absolute amounts of two meiotic cohesin subunits, RAD21L and REC8, in mouse spermatocytes

Taniuchi, Yuto Hiraide, Kazutaka Su, Rilige Ijuin, Kazune Wei, Xingqiang Horii, Takuro Hatada, Izuho Lee, Jibak 神戸大学



RAD2lL and REC8, meiosis-specific paralogs of the canonical cohesin subunit RAD21, are essential for proper formation of axial/lateral elements of the synaptonemal complex, synapsis of homologous chromosomes, and crossover recombination in mammalian meiosis. However, how many meiotic cohesins are present in germ cells has not been investigated because of the lack of an appropriate method of analysis. In the present study, to examine the intracellular amount of meiotic cohesins, we generated two strains of knock-in (KI) mice that expressed a 3×FLAG-tag at the C-terminus of RAD21L or REC8 protein using the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system. Both KI mice were fertile. Western blot analyses and immunocytochemical studies revealed that expression levels and localization patterns of both RAD21L-3×FLAG and REC8-3×FLAG in KI mice were similar to those in wild-type mice. After confirming that tagging of endogenous RAD21L and REC8 with 3×FLAG did not affect their expression profiles, we evaluated the levels of RAD21L-3×FLAG and REC8-3×FLAG in the testes of 2-week-old mice in which only RAD21L and REC8 but little RAD21 are expressed in the meiocytes. By comparing the band intensities of testicular RAD21L-3×FLAG and REC8-3×FLAG with 3×FLAG-tagged recombinant proteins of known concentrations in western blot analysis, we found that there were approximately 413,000 RAD21L and 453,000 REC8 molecules per spermatocyte in the early stages of prophase I. These findings provide new insights into the role played by cohesins in the process of meiotic chromosome organization in mammalian germ cells.



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