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FIGNL1 AAA+ ATPase remodels RAD51 and DMC1 filaments in pre-meiotic DNA replication and meiotic recombination

Ito, Masaru 大阪大学




FIGNL1 AAA+ ATPase remodels RAD51 and DMC1
filaments in pre-meiotic DNA replication and
meiotic recombination


Ito, Masaru; Furukohri, Asako; Matsuzaki,
Kenichiro et al.


Nature Communications. 2023, 14, p. 6857

Version Type VoR

This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University



FIGNL1 AAA+ ATPase remodels RAD51
and DMC1 filaments in pre-meiotic DNA
replication and meiotic recombination
Received: 22 May 2023

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Accepted: 16 October 2023

Masaru Ito 1 , Asako Furukohri 1, Kenichiro Matsuzaki
Atsushi Toyoda 3 & Akira Shinohara 1


, Yurika Fujita1,

The formation of RAD51/DMC1 filaments on single-stranded (ss)DNAs essential
for homology search and strand exchange in DNA double-strand break (DSB)
repair is tightly regulated. FIGNL1 AAA+++ ATPase controls RAD51-mediated
recombination in human cells. However, its role in gametogenesis remains
unsolved. Here, we characterized a germ line-specific conditional knockout
(cKO) mouse of FIGNL1. Fignl1 cKO male mice showed defective chromosome
synapsis and impaired meiotic DSB repair with the accumulation of RAD51/
DMC1 on meiotic chromosomes, supporting a positive role of FIGNL1 in
homologous recombination at a post-assembly stage of RAD51/DMC1 filaments. Fignl1 cKO spermatocytes also accumulate RAD51/DMC1 on chromosomes in pre-meiotic S-phase. These RAD51/DMC1 assemblies are independent
of meiotic DSB formation. We also showed that purified FIGNL1 dismantles
RAD51 filament on double-stranded (ds)DNA as well as ssDNA. These results
suggest an additional role of FIGNL1 in limiting the non-productive assembly of
RAD51/DMC1 on native dsDNAs during pre-meiotic S-phase and meiotic prophase I.

RAD51 is a central player in homologous recombination in eukaryotes
by catalyzing homology-directed repair such as the repair of DNA
double-strand breaks (DSBs) in both somatic and meiotic cells. RAD51
also plays a role in S-phase for the protection of stalled DNA replication
forks1,2, which is independent of RAD51-mediated strand exchange3. As
an active form for homology search and strand exchange, multiple
protomers of RAD51 bind to single-stranded (ss)DNAs in the presence
of ATP to form a right-handed helical filament termed RAD51 nucleofilament, in which ssDNAs are extended 1.5–2.0-fold relative to the
B-form DNA4,5. RAD51 nucleofilament is highly dynamic; its assembly
and disassembly are controlled by multiple proteins/complexes. The
RAD51 mediator promotes the assembly of RAD51 nucleofilament on
the ssDNAs coated with an ssDNA-binding protein, RPA (Replication
protein A), which hampers RAD51 binding to the ssDNA. The RAD51
mediator in humans includes BRCA2(-PALB2-DSS1)6, BRCA1-BARD17,

RAD528, SWI5-SFR1/MEI59, and five RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, -C, -D,
XRCC2, and −3) in vertebrates including humans. The RAD51 paralogs
form two distinct complexes: RAD51C-XRCC3 and RAD51B-RAD51CRAD51D-XRCC210. SWSAP1 is a distinct member of a RAD51 paralog11,12,
which forms a complex with SWS1 and SPIDR. At the post-assembly
stage, RAD51 nucleofilament works together with the SWI2/SNF2
family, RAD54 and RAD54B13, and RAD51AP114 for efficient homology
search and strand exchange with a target double-stranded DNA
(dsDNA) for the formation of displacement (D)-loop. RAD51-mediated
strand invasion provides a template for DNA synthesis for further
processing of the intermediates for the completion of the repair.
The dynamics of the RAD51 filament are also negatively regulated
by proteins that disassemble the filament. Various DNA helicases are
involved in the disassembly of RAD51 filament, which include BLM15,
FANCJ16, RECQ517, and FBH118 as well as a degenerate DNA helicase,


Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan. 2Department of Advanced Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kindai
University, Nara, Nara 631-8505, Japan. 3Advanced Genomics Center, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan.
e-mail: msrito2@protein.osaka-u.ac.jp; ashino@protein.osaka-u.ac.jp

Nature Communications | (2023)14:6857


PARI19. RAD51-mediated invasion intermediates are also remodeled by
other DNA helicases such as WRN, RTEL1, FANCM, and RECQ120. RAD54
translocase also disassembles RAD51 from dsDNA in recombination
intermediates21. The stabilization and destabilization of RAD51 filaments are associated with the choice of a homologous recombination
Meiosis is a specialized cell division that produces haploid
gametes. Homologous recombination, specifically crossing-over, is
essential for chromosome segregation of homologous chromosomes
during meiosis I. To ensure the crossover (CO) formation in meiosis,
highly programmed regulation is implanted on the recombination
pathway23. A meiosis-specific RAD51 cousin, DMC1, is critical for
homology search in meiotic recombination in many species24. The
cooperation of RAD51 and DMC1 promotes homology search between
homologous chromosomes rather than sister chromatids whose
mechanism is one big enigma in the field25. RAD51/DMC1-mediated
recombination requires meiosis-specific proteins as well as proteins
playing a role in somatic cells. Knockout (KO) of the most of genes
necessary for homologous recombination, Rad51 and RAD51 mediators (Brca2, Rad51B, -C, -D, Xrcc2, and −3), in mice leads to embryonic
lethality26–28. Swsap1 (and Sws1 and Spidr) KO mice are viable but are
sterile, with the exception of Spidr KO female mice being sub-fertile11,29.
Indeed, SWSAP1-SWS1-SPIDR is necessary for the efficient formation of
RAD51/DMC1 focus, which is a cytologically detectable immunostained structure, in male meiosis11,29,30. Like RAD51 mediators, KO mice
of some negative regulators such as BLM are also embryonically lethal31
while Rad54 KO mice are viable and fertile32.
A recently identified recombination regulator, FIGNL1, encodes an
AAA+ ATPase which belongs to microtubule severing proteins
including Katanin, Spastin, and Fidgetin with an N-terminal microtubule-binding domain33. FIGNL1 was identified as a RAD51-interacting
protein and is required for homologous recombination in human
somatic cells34. FIGNL1 knockdown does not affect DSB-induced
RAD51-focus formation29,34, suggesting its role in the post-RAD51
assembly step. Despite its positive role in homologous recombination,
FIGNL1 functions as a negative regulator for RAD51 assembly. FIGNL1
depletion rescues defective RAD51-focus formation in human cells
depleted for SWSAP1 or SWS1, but not for RAD51C29. Moreover, purified FIGNL1 promotes the dissociation of RAD51 protein from ssDNAs,
which is suppressed by SWSAP129. In Arabidopsis thaliana meiosis, a
mutant of FIGL1, FIGNL1 ortholog, as well as its partner, FLIP/FIRRM,
shows increased frequencies of COs during meiosis, indicating a role as
an anti-CO factor35,36. The role of FIGL1-FLIP as the anti-CO factor is also
seen in rice meiosis37. Importantly, the figl1 mutation can suppress
defective RAD51/DMC1-focus formation in brca2 mutant meiocytes,
indicating antagonism of FIGL1 with the RAD51 mediator38. These
suggest that RAD51 mediators might play a distinct function in different recombination pathways. Although FIGNL1 plays a role in
homologous recombination by regulating the SWSAP1 complex in
somatic cells29, it remains unknown how FIGNL1 regulates recombination and works together with SWSAP1 during meiosis.
In this study, we analyzed the role of FIGNL1 in mice in meiosis, by
constructing a germ-cell specific conditional knockout (cKO) mouse
and found that Fignl1 depletion in the testis led to defective spermatogenesis. Meiotic chromosome spreads from Fignl1 cKO spermatocytes showed a two-fold increase in the numbers of RAD51 and DMC1
foci relative to controls, suggesting the role of FIGNL1 in the postassembly stage of not only RAD51 filament but also DMC1 filament.
This defective disassembly results in the impaired loading of proteins
necessary for CO formation. We also found that FIGNL1 suppresses
RAD51 and DMC1 assembly in pre-meiotic S-phase and early leptonema, which are independent of meiotic DSB formation. Moreover,
Fignl1 cKO ameliorates defective RAD51- and DMC1-focus formation in
KO spermatocytes of Swasp1, a RAD51/DMC1 mediator, supporting
the antagonistic role of FIGNL1 to SWSAP1 in the assembly of both

Nature Communications | (2023)14:6857


RAD51 and DMC1. Together, our study establishes a dual role of FIGNL1
in mammalian male meiosis. The same conclusion was obtained
by Baudat’s group by characterizing the Fignl1 cKO as well as
Firrm/Flip cKO39.

Fignl1 is essential for early mouse embryogenesis
To determine the functions of FIGNL1 in mice, we created a conditional
allele of Fignl1 gene, Fignl1flox, in which the exon 3 encoding an open
reading frame of the full-length protein is flanked by the loxP sites
(Fig. 1a) in C57BL/6 background. A null allele of the gene, Fignl1Δ, was
obtained by breeding with CAG-Cre+ mice that constitutively express
Cre recombinase. Fignl1Δ/+ heterozygous mice grew normally and did
not show any apparent defects. Breeding between male and female of
Fignl1Δ/+ produced Fignl1+/+ and Fignl1Δ/+ pups, but no Fignl1Δ/Δ homozygous pups (0/186 from 38 litters), showing that Fignl1Δ/Δ mice are not
viable. This is consistent with the reported lethality of Fignl1 knockout
(KO) mice in the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)
(https://www.mousephenotype.org). ...








Electrophoresis mobility shift assay (EMSA)

Double-stranded DNA substrate was prepared by annealing 5’-Cy5labeled, 40-mer oligo DNA (Oligo 1, Cy5-TAATACAAAATAAGT



TTA, Fasmac). Oligo 1 was used as an ssDNA substrate. For the assay,

DNA (0.8 μM in bp/nt) was pre-incubated with 1 μM of RAD51 in 10 μl of

the buffer (20 mM HEPES-NaOH pH7.5, 100 ug/ml BSA, 1 mM DTT,

10 mM MgCl2, 2 mM ATP) at 37 °C for 5 min to form RAD51-DNA

complex. Then the indicated concentration of FIGNL1ΔN was added to

the reaction and further incubated at 37 °C for 15 min. In the control

reaction without FIGNL1ΔN, the same volume of dialysis buffer was

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We thank Drs. F. Baudat and B. de Massy for sharing unpublished results.

We acknowledge Drs. F. Pratto and V. Jayakumar for SSDS analysis. We

are grateful to Ms. S. Kondo for the generation of anti-SYCP3. We

acknowledge Drs. S. Keeney, M. Jasin, Y. Fujiwara, and K. Ishiguro for

Spo11 mice and Dr. H. Kurumizaka for the RAD51 expression plasmid. We

are also indebted to members of the Shinohara lab, particularly Ms. S.

Aoyama, A. Maeda, C. Watanabe, M. Yasumura, and S. Hashimoto for

technical assitance. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant

Numbers; 19H00981 to A.S., 20K15716 and 16H06279 (PAGS) to M.I., and

19H03157 to A.F.

Author contributions

M.I. and A.S. conceived and designed the experiments. M.I. performed

all experiments on mouse meiosis. M.I., Y.F., and A.T. analyzed SSDS

data. A.F. performed biochemical experiments. K.M. set up Fignl1 mice.

M.I. and A.S. analyzed the data. A.S. prepared the original draft and

wrote the manuscript with help from M.I.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information

Supplementary information The online version contains

supplementary material available at


Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to

Masaru Ito or Akira Shinohara.

Peer review information Nature Communications thanks Gabriel Livera,

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