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佐竹, 響 サタケ, ヒビキ Satake, Hibiki 神戸大学



The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is a self-consistent theory describing electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions in the universe and
classifying all known elementary particles. The mathematical framework for
the SM is provided by quantum field theory consistent with special relativity,
and the SM can explain most particle physics phenomena which have been
observed. However, the SM are widely considered to be incompatible with
the most successful framework to describe gravity to date, general relativity,
and it can not explain gravity which is one of the four fundamental interactions. Therefore, theoretical frameworks which can describe quantum gravity
are sought and studied intensively.
One of the leading candidate for describing quantum gravity is string
theory, which is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of
particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String
theory describes how these strings propagate throught higher dimensional
spacetime and interact with each other. String theory contains two type of
strings, open and closed strings. It also contains branes which are objects that
generalize the notion of point particles to higher dimensions. In particular,
endpoints of open strings are on branes called D-branes. In string thoery,
on distance scales larger than the string scale (∼ 10−35 m typically), a string
looks like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties
determined by the vibrational state of the string. One can construct various
models of effective field theories by determining the arrangement of D-branes
and the shape of extra dimensions.
String thoery, which is consistent with general relativity, is expected as
the theoretical framework for unifying the four fandamental interactions
(gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions) and studied theoretically. However, its energy scale is too high to realize with our present
technology, and so we can not test string theory directly by experiments. In
this regard, the notion of what kind of low energy effective field theories can
arise in string theory is a central question. The set of these effective field
theories is called the string landscape, and the set of consistent looking effective field theories that are incompatible with quantum gravity is called the
string swampland [1] (See figure.1). Studying criteria that distinguish the
string landscape from the swampland, and this direction has been explored
in the context of the swampland program, gives various implications for low
energy physics.
The weak gravity conjecture (WGC) is a set of conjectures which says
that any gauge force must be stronger than gravity [2]. The WGC has many
interesting implications for cosmology and particle physics. ...



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