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Nectin-4 regulates cellular senescence-associated enlargement of cell size

Katasho, Ryoko Nagano, Taiki Iwasaki, Tetsushi Kamada, Shinji 神戸大学



Cellular senescence is defined as irreversible growth arrest induced by various stress, such as DNA damage and oxidative stress. Senescent cells exhibit various characteristic morphological changes including enlarged morphology. In our recent study, we identified Nectin-4 to be upregulated in cellular senescence by comparative transcriptomic analysis. However, there are few reports on the relationship between Nectin-4 and senescence. Therefore, we analyzed the function of Nectin-4 in senescence and its biological significance. When overexpressed with Nectin-4, the cells exhibited the enlarged cell morphology closely resembling senescent cells. In addition, the cell size enlargement during DNA damage-induced senescence was suppressed by knockdown of Nectin-4, while there were no significant changes in senescence induction. These results suggest that Nectin-4 is not involved in the regulation of senescence itself but contributes to the senescence-associated cell size increase. Furthermore, the Nectin-4-dependent cell size increase was found to be mediated by Src family kinase (SFK)/PI3 kinase (PI3K)/Rac1 pathway. To explore the functional consequences of cell size enlargement, we analyzed cell survival in Nectin-4-depleted senescent cells. Single-cell tracking experiments revealed that Nectin-4 knockdown induced apoptosis in senescent cells, and there is a strong positive correlation between cell size and survival rate. These results collectively indicate that Nectin-4 plays a causative role in the senescence-associated cell size enlargement via SFK/PI3K/Rac1, which can contribute to survival of senescent cells.



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This work was supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Numbers

25640063, 17K15595, 20K07591, 20K15791, and 21K05308, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, Leave a Nest

Grant from Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and Hyogo Science and Technology Association #4067.

Author contributions

S.K. conceived and designated the experiments. R.K., T.N., T.I., and S.K. performed the experiments. R.K., T.N.,

T.I., and S.K. analyzed the data. R.K., T.N., T.I., and S.K. contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools. R.K., T.N.,

and S.K. wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

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