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Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Chinese Cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis) for Conservation Strategies

CAI, Mengying 筑波大学



Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis is a native forest species of China; it is widely planted in the south of the country to create forests and for wood production. Natural forests in China have, however, progressively reduced in extent over the centuries through a variety of unsustainable practices such as overgrazing, burning and exploitation. The area containing remnant forests has been occupied by new plantations and it is hard to distinguish natural stands from numerous artificial forests. In this context, ancient trees which originated from natural regeneration rather than planting will be valuable resources, and their genetic status needs to be understood. In addition, with the rapid spread of plantations, the genetic consequences of management practices need to be evaluated. However, unlike Cryptomeria in Japan, the genetics of Chinese Cryptomeria have seldom been studied, although there is ample evidence of the species’ great ecological and economic value. In this study, I employed Restriction Site Associated DNA Sequence (RAD-seq) technology and investigated seven ancient populations, ten plantations and two seed orchards in order to reveal the genetic characteristics of ancient trees and the genetic background of plantations and seed orchards.

Lower genetic variation but higher genetic differentiation in ancient tree populations of Chinese Cryptomeria were found in comparison to natural populations of Japanese Cryptomeria. Structure analysis and dendrogram construction divided the seven ancient populations into four groups corresponding to the geographical provinces in which the populations are located, but there was no obvious correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. A demographic history analysis using a Stairway Plot showed that the effective population size of Chinese Cryptomeria has experienced a continuing decline from the Ice Age to the present. My findings suggest that the strong genetic drift caused by climate fluctuation and intense anthropogenic disturbance together contributed to the current low diversity and strong genetic structure.

Most of the plantations examined in this study were derived from neighboring ancient populations or bow-vanished natural stands, since they show a similar genetic structure to these, and contain slightly higher genetic diversity. However, two relatively young plantations (YA and ZGS) in Sichuan province were found to have originated from Tiantai mountain in Zhejiang province. Zhejiang and Fujian provinces have long been considered the two main gene pools of Chinese Cryptomeria. However, in my study, one plantation (LYS) and one seed orchard (HY) which were established in the 1950s and 1970s in Sichuan province, have a critically low diversity but are highly differentiated. My data combined with records in floras led me to hypothesize that Sichuan once supported a natural population of Chinese Cryptomeria, and although natural stands have declined sharply in recent decades, some genetic information is still present in some older plantations. More evidence is required to support this suggestion. In addition, the Xiapu seed orchard in Fujian province supports a high level of genetic diversity because of the multi-source provenances, but as a consequence, genetic structure of Chinese Cryptomeria might be disturbed if these seeds are widely used.

The findings highlight the precarious status of the genetic resource of Chinese Cryptomeria. For conservation purpose, firstly, forest zoning is recommended. Three zones should be divided: protected zone (ancient population), buffer zone (investigated plantations except ZGS and YA), and production zone (ZGS and YA). Secondly, three genetically differentiated seed zones are suggested in this study, seed orchards in each zone should be established soon in order to maintain the present genetic structure. More studies concerning population structure and gene flow will be conducted in more plantations and across a wider area, and more specific seed division and subdivision are expected in the future.

Keywords: Chinese Cryptomeria, ancient trees, plantation, seed orchard, genetic diversity, genetic structure, SNP, conservation, afforestation



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