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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Direct Imaging and Characterizations of Young Exoplanets」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Direct Imaging and Characterizations of Young Exoplanets

鵜山, 太智 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001883



Since the first detection of an exoplanet around a main sequence star in 1995, a lot of incred- ible exoplanets have been reported. Most exoplanets have been detected by radial velocity and transit, which aim to detect periodical perturbations of stellar observables influenced by planet existence. These methods are sensitive to close-in (a ≤1 AU) exoplanets. Direct imag- ing of exoplanets, on the other hand, has achieved discoveries of wide-orbit (a ≥a few AU) and giant gas planets (M 1 MJ) with the development of adaptive optics and coronagraph techniques. In this thesis, we have conducted various high-contrast direct imaging obser- vations of two planetary systems, TW Hya and κ And, to detect possible planet accretion signatures and to characterize planetary colors and orbits. These observations are important in order to understand the formation of a wide-orbit planet; the number of the wide-orbit planets on a solar-system scale is still only a handful, and their origins are still unknown. We used the OSIRIS near-infrared integral field spectrograph, designed at the Keck Adaptive Optics System mounted on the Keck-II 10-m telescope, to search for any active accretion signatures in the TW Hya disk, and the high contrast near-infrared imager HiCIAO and the SCExAO adaptive optics, mounted on the 8-m Subaru telescope, to improve photometric and astrometric discussions of a directly-imaged object κ And b.

Keck/OSIRIS enables the extraction of Paβ channels and continuum channels so that we can utilize the spectral differential imaging technique. We did not detect any accretion signatures but the upper limit of Paβ: 5.8 10−18 [erg/s/cm2] and 1.5 10−18 [erg/s/cm2] at 0.4′′ and 1.6′′, respectively. We converted these upper limits to planet mass limits of 2 MJ and 8 MJ for the gap at 25 AU and 95 AU, respectively, using a theoretical study of an accretion shock. The derived upper limits on planet mass are comparable to other direct imaging studies and non-spectroscopy imaging that targeted TW Hya can propose another way to search for accreting protoplanets with adaptive optics instruments.

Subaru/SCExAO is the state-of-art instrument of adaptive optics and achieves higher contrast than previous high-contrast imaging studies. The H- and Y -bands were used in our observations with Subaru/SCExAO+HiCIAO. Although the H-band data had problems of calibration or reference frames, we obtained Y -band photometry and additional relative position of κ And b at 2016 July. Color-color diagram using Y -band photometry shows that κ And b is likely an L0 object. We also conducted orbital fitting using all the reported positions spanning about seven years and found high eccentricity. It suggests that this planet has experienced orbital migration due to planet-planet scattering. Our data did not detect any other inner companions but we partially set a constraint on the existence of a potential inner planet.


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