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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Constructing theoretical model of gas accretion for constraining planet formation theory by using observations of forming stars and planets : modeling non-equilibrium micro-physics in detail」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Constructing theoretical model of gas accretion for constraining planet formation theory by using observations of forming stars and planets : modeling non-equilibrium micro-physics in detail

青山, 雄彦 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001894



A gas giant is a giant planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium and is a most massive component of a circumstellar system. Because of strong gravity, gas giants have great influence on the material distributions in planet-forming circumstellar gaseous disks (often called protoplanetary disks or PPDs) and on the formation and dynamical evolution of other planets and satellites. The formation process of gas giants is mainly the accumulation (or accretion) of hydrogen/helium gas whose origin is the gaseous component of PPDs. The gas accretion is, therefore, crucial to understanding the formation of the whole planetary system including planets, satellites, and other small bodies.

Recent improvements of observational techniques and instruments have enabled us to observe protoplanets growing via gas accretion. Interestingly enough, the hydrogen Balmer line (or Hα) emission has been detected for two protoplanetary candidates, LkCa15 b and PDS70 b. The source of hydrogen line emission such Hα is excited hydrogen. Thus, the detection of Hα suggests that those protoplanets are surrounded by gas with a temperature high enough (≳ 1 × 104 K) to generate Hα emission. However, there is no detailed theoretical model for explaining the Hα emission of accreting gas giants. Recent hydrodynamic simulations of the gaseous flow around protoplanets show that the flow toward the protoplanet (accretion flow) passes through strong shocks. One of the goals of this thesis is to confirm that such shock compression can heat up the gas to a temperature sufficient to generate Hα emission.

Young stellar objects (YSOs) have been also hotly investigated both observationally and the-oretically. Some YSOs show excess emission relative to their photospheric emission, which is thought to be due to gas accretion onto the YSOs. While reproducing the excess continuum at shorter wavelengths than the visible as emission from the shock-heated gas, the previous theoretical studies concluded that the excess lines such as Hα were unlikely to originate from the shock-heated gas, because their models were unable to explain the broadened line profile of Hα, which cor- responds to the Doppler broadening with temperature of 1 × 106 K. Such a hot gas can emit no significant Hα because hydrogen is completely ionized. Another goal of this thesis is to resolve such a contradiction by modeling the transient process in the postshock flow with rapidly changing temperature.

In this thesis, toward the above goals, I construct a new 1D radiative hydrodynamic model of the accretion flow after the shock. In Chapter 2, I describe the details of the model. In contrast to previous studies which assumed the equilibrium between collisional excitations and radiative de-excitations of hydrogen and neglected short-timescale processes, I consider non-equilibrium states and take micro-physics such as excitation and ionization of hydrogen and radiative transfer into account. In Chapter 3, I show the flow properties after the shock-heating as the results of the numerical modeling. Also, the hydrogen line intensities are given for the shock-related parameters, namely, the velocity and number density of the gas just before the shock.

In Chapter 4, I apply the model results to the accreting protoplanets, LkCa15 b and PDS70 b, and successfully reproduce the observed Hα luminosity in the following cases: (A) The accreting gas giant has a magnetic field strong enough to make a cavity at the inner part of the circum- planetary disk (CPD) and, then, the gas around the CPD inner edge falls onto the planetary surface, yielding a strong shock; (B) the gas falls almost vertically onto the surface of the CPD from high altitudes of the PPD and yields a strong shock. In this case, the magnetic force of the accreting gas giant pushes the gas back to the PPD through the midplane of the CPD and, then, the gas comes back and falls onto the CPD from high altitudes, yielding a strong shock again. This cycle is needed to keep the infalling gas density high enough to reproduce the observed Hα luminosity. In conclusion, the detected Hα emission suggests that the accreting gas giants have strong magnetic fields.

In Chapter 5, I apply the results of my model to accreting protostars. Then, I successfully reproduce the Hα line profiles observed in the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of low-mass YSOs, because of line emission from hydrogen with non-equilibrium energy states in the postshock region with varying temperature. Also, considering the hydrogen Lyman-α, which is unobservable but brighter than the other hydrogen lines including Hα, I obtain the stellar mass accretion rate higher by an order of magnitude than the previous estimate.

In Chapter 6, I discuss the implications of the model constructed in this thesis. The theory of planet formation with strong magnetic fields has been currently under development. Since my model prefers such a new concept of planet formation for interpretation of the observed planetary Hα, I describe how the strong magnetic fields change the formation of planetary systems including planets and satellites. The findings in this thesis are expected to make a great contribution to future characterization of forming planets and planetary systems.


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