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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Novel dynamic critical phenomena induced by superfluidity and the chiral magnetic effect in Quantum Chromodynamics (本文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Novel dynamic critical phenomena induced by superfluidity and the chiral magnetic effect in Quantum Chromodynamics (本文)

曽我部, 紀之 慶應義塾大学



Understanding the phase structure of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) at finite temperature and finite baryon chemical potential is a long-standing problem in the standard model of particle physics. So far, in addition to the nuclear liquid-gas critical point, the possible existence of two critical points is theoretically suggested in the QCD phase diagram: one is the high- temperature critical point between the hadron phase and the quark-gluon plasma phase and the other is the high-density critical point between the nuclear and quark superfluid phases. Since these critical points can be po- tentially tested in relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments, theoretical pre- dictions for critical phenomena near these critical points are important. On the other hand, heavy-ion collision experiments have another goal to search for the chiral transport phenomena related to the quantum anomaly. One typical example is the chiral magnetic effect, which is the electric current along the magnetic field. In particular, it is known that the chiral mag- netic effect leads to the generation of a novel density wave called the chiral magnetic wave.

In this thesis, we first construct the low-energy effective field theory near the high-density QCD critical point and study its static and dynamic criti- cal phenomena. We find that the critical slowing down of the speed of the superfluid phonon near the critical point. Furthermore, we show that the dynamic universality class of the high-density critical point is not only differ- ent from that of the high-temperature critical point, but also a new dynamic universality class beyond the conventional classification by Hohenberg and Halperin. Since this new universality class stems from the interplay specific to QCD between the chiral order parameter and the superfluid photon, the observation of the dynamic critical phenomena in the vicinity of the high- density critical point would provide an indirect evidence of the superfluidity in high-density QCD matter.

We next consider the second-order chiral phase transition in massless QCD under an external magnetic field and study the interplay between the dynamic critical phenomena and the chiral magnetic effect. For this purpose, we construct the nonlinear Langevin equations including the effects of the quantum anomaly and perform the dynamic renormalization group analysis. As a result, we show that the presence of the chiral magnetic effect and the resulting chiral magnetic wave change the dynamic universality class of the system from the so-called model E into the model A within the conventional classification. We also find that the speed of the chiral magnetic wave tends to vanish when the phase transition is approached. This phenomenon is char- acterized by the same critical exponents as those for the critical attenuation of the sound wave near the critical points in liquid-gas phase transitions.


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