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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「MoSET1-dependent transcription factors regulate different stages of infection-related morphogenesis in Pyricularia oryzae」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




MoSET1-dependent transcription factors regulate different stages of infection-related morphogenesis in Pyricularia oryzae

Minh, Dang Ngoc Tsukahara, Yusaku Thach, Dang An Ikeda, Ken-ichi Nakayashiki, Hitoshi 神戸大学



MoSET1, an H3K4 histone methyltransferase in Pyricularia oryzae plays a key role in infection-related morphogenesis of the fungus. We previously identified approximately 400 genes for which expression might be regulated directly by MoSET1 during appressorium formation. Here, we focused on five MoSET1-dependent transcription factor (TF) genes that were induced during infection, using a gene deletion approach for three of the five genes (MGG_04699, MGG_06898, MGG_07450) and, for the remaining two genes (MGG_00472 and MGG_07386), a gene silencing technique due to difficulty in constructing a gene deletion mutant. Phenotypic characterization of the knockout and -down mutants revealed that MGG_06898 was crucial for sporulation, MGG_04699 was involved in appressorium formation, and MGG_00472 and MGG_04699 were required for full virulence of the fungus. These results demonstrated that MoSET1 contributes to the pathogenicity of the fungus by controlling transcription factors that further regulate different steps in the infection process of P. oryzae.



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348 349 16

Dang et al. p. 17 350 Figure legends

351 352 Fig. 1 Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of five MoSET1-dependent transcription factors

353 at hyphal, conidial and infectious stages in P. oryzae. Actin was used to normalize

354 mRNA expression level. Data show fold change (relative to mRNA quantity in hyphae)

355 ± standard error (n = 3). Asterisks are given to indicate significant difference at p < 0.05

356 (*) and p < 0.01 (**) (two-tailed t-test).

357 358 Fig. 2 Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of MGG_00472 and MGG_07386 mRNA in

359 candidates of their knock-down mutants. Actin was used to normalize mRNA

360 expression level. Data show fold change (relative to mRNA quantity in the wild-type

361 strain) ± standard error (n = 3). Different characters indicate significant differences by

362 Tukey's HSD (p < 0.05).

363 364 Fig. 3 Phenotypic characterization of knock-out and -down mutants of MoSET1-

365 dependent TFs in P. oryzae. a Diameters of fungal colonies were measured at 9 days

366 after inoculation on rich agar medium. b Conidiation was evaluated by counting the

367 number of conidia under a light microscopy as described in details in Materials and

368 methods. c-d The rates of conidial germination (c) and appressorium formation (d) were

369 measured by observing conidial suspension on hydrophobic surface under a light

370 microscope after 5 h (conidial germination) and 24 h (appressorium formation)

371 incubation at 25̊C.

372 Black bars indicate the wild-type strain Br48 (WT) and grey bars represent knock-out

373 and -down mutants of MoSET1-dependent TFs and their gene complemented strains

374 (c∆mgg_04699 and c∆mgg_06898). Data show fold change (relative to the wild-type

375 strain) ± standard error (n = 3). Different characters in the graphs indicate significant

376 differences by Tukey's HSD (p < 0.05) ND, not determined.

377 378 Fig. 4 Inoculation test of knock-out and -down mutants of MoSET1-dependent TFs in

379 P. oryzae. a Infection assay was performed on the wheat cultivar Norin 4 at 23̊C. Four

380 to five days after inoculation, symptoms on the inoculated plants were evaluated. Letters


Dang et al. p. 18 381 under pictures of infected leaves indicate disease index values by a grading method

382 (Hyon et al., 2012). This experiment was repeated at least three times, and

383 representative samples are presented. b The rates of infection hyphae formation in

384 infected leaves. The black bar indicates the wild-type strain Br48 (WT) and grey bars

385 represent knock-out and –down mutants of MoSET1-dependent TFs and a gene

386 complemented strain (c∆mgg_04699). Error bars represent standard errors of the mean

387 (n = 10). Different characters in the graph indicate significant differences by Tukey's

388 HSD (p < 0.05).

389 390 Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of putative MoSET1 regulatory network during infection-

391 related morphogenesis in P. oryzae.


Dang et al. p.19



Fold change

(relative to Hyphae)











infection (5hpi)

infection (12hpi)

























Fig 1. Quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of five MoSET1‐dependent transcription factors at hyphal, conidial and infectious stages in P. oryzae. Actin was used to normalize mRNA expression level. Data show fold change (relative to mRNA quantity in hyphae) ±standard error (n = 3). Asterisks are given to indicate significant difference at p< 0.05 (*) and p< 0.01 (**) (two‐tailed t‐test). Dang et al. p.20 1.2

Fold change

(relative to WT)







Fig 2. Quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of MGG_00472 and MGG_07386 mRNA in candidates of their knock‐down mutants. Actin was used to normalize mRNA expression level. Data show fold change (relative to mRNA quantity in the wild‐type strain) ±standard error (n = 3). a‐c, Different characters indicate significant differences by Tukey's HSD (P < 0.05).

Dang et al. p.21 a, vegetative growth









Fold change (relative to WT)

b, conidiation





c, germination




d, appressorium formation








Fig 3. Phenotypic characterization of knock‐out and ‐down mutants of MoSET1‐

dependent TFs in P. oryzae. a, Diameters of fungal colonies were measured at 9 days after inoculation on rich agar medium. b, Conidiation was evaluated by counting the number of conidia under a light microscopy as described in details in Materials and method. c‐d, The rates of conidial germination (c) and appressorium formation (d) were measured by observing conidial suspension on hydrophobic surface under a light microscope after 5 h (conidial germination) and 24 h (appressorium formation) incubation at 25̊C. Black bars indicate the wild‐type strain Br48 (WT) and grey bars represent knock‐

out and –down mutants of MoSET1‐dependent TFs and their gene complemented strains (c∆mgg_04699 and c∆mgg_06898). Data show fold change (relative to the wild‐type strain) ±standard error (n = 3). a‐d, Different characters in the graphs indicate significant differences by Tukey's HSD (P < 0.05). ND, not determined.

Dang et al. p.22 a










Rates of infection

hyphae formation





Fig. 4. Inoculation test of knock‐out and ‐down mutants of MoSET1‐

dependent TFs in P. oryzae. a, Infection assay was performed on the wheat cultivar Norin 4 at 23̊C. Four to five days after inoculation, symptoms on the inoculated plants were evaluated. Letters under pictures of infected leaves indicate disease index values by a grading method (Hyon et al., 2012). This experiment was repeated at least three times, and representative samples are presented. b, The rates of infection hyphae formation in infected leaves. The black bar indicates the wild‐type strain Br48 (WT) and grey bars represent knock‐out and –

down mutants of MoSET1‐dependent TFs and a gene complemented strain (c∆mgg_04699). Error bars represent standard errors of the mean (n = 10). a‐d, Different characters in the graph indicate significant differences by Tukey's HSD (P < 0.05). Dang et al. p.23 MoSET1


vegetative growth


appressorium formation

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of putative MoSET1 regulatory network during infection‐related morphogenesis in P. oryzae.





