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DANG NGOC MINH ダン, ナッ, ミン 神戸大学



The blast fungus, P. oryzae shows drastic morphological changes
during the infection cycle (Talbot, 2003). Following attachment on the host
leaf surface, a spore germinates and forms an appressorium at the tip of the
germ tube. At the base of the appressorium, a penetration pore and peg are
formed to colonize a host cell with infection hyphae. These morphological
changes are accompanied with remarkable changes in gene expression (Jeon
et al., 2020) that may involve cell type-specific epigenetic control of
chromatin structure.
In P. oryzae, gene deletion analysis of eight possible KMTs revealed
that MoSET1 responsible for H3K4 methylation plays a pivotal role in
infection-related morphogenesis of the fungus (Pham et al., 2015a). Loss of
MoSET1 led to a deficiency in cell growth, sporulation, appressorium
formation, production of cell wall degradation enzymes, and pathogenicity
(Vu et al., 2013; Pham et al., 2015a, b). RNA-seq analysis suggested that
approximately 2,000 genes were up- or down-regulated during appressorium
formation in a MoSET1-dependent manner. ...



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