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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development studies based on Kampo theories for new treatment strategies and drug discoveries」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development studies based on Kampo theories for new treatment strategies and drug discoveries

趙 慶峰 富山大学



Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are gaining more and more attention all over the world, due to their specific theory and long historical clinical practice. However, modern exploration of TCM derived functional compounds is significantly hindered by the inefficient elucidation of pharmacological functions over past decades, because conventional research methods are incapable of efficiently elucidating therapeutic potential of TCM conferred by multiple functional compounds.Based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and modern pharmacology research, this study summarized and explored the current common research ideas of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Collectively, such critical review is expected to provide novel perspective-strategy that could significantly improve modern exploration and exploitation of TCM derived functional compounds that further promote new drug discovery and development against the complex diseases. In a few word, the analysis of TCMs are moving towards an integrative and comprehensive direction, in order to better address the inherent holistic nature of TCMs.

Chapter 1: Acquisition of basic data on 120 types of crude drugs used in Kampo medicine, the construction of a library to examine neuronal/glial cell function and expressed genes, and an investigation of changes in the expression of depression-related factors.

The component profiles of 120 types of crude drug extracts, which were supplied by the Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama, were obtained by 3D-HPLC. The neuronal cell line N18TG2 and glial cell line C6Bu-1 were treated with two concentrations and 480 morphological photographs were obtained. RNA was also extracted from each treated cell and converted to cDNA to create a library. The expression levels of BNIP-3 mRNA, which we previously identified as an antidepressant-related factor, were investigated in the cDNA library using PCR. The results obtained revealed that BNIP-3 mRNA expression levels were increased by many of the herbal medicines in “Hochuekkito (補中益気湯:HET)”, but were decreased by the herbal medicines in “Sanou-shashin-to ( 三黄瀉心湯 :SST)” and “Orengedokuto (黄連解毒湯:OGT)”, which are used to treat anxiety.

Chapter 2: Reduced cytotoxicity of the combined extraction of Coptidis rhizoma and Rhei rhizoma: An example of the “herbal pair” theory.
Research on SST and OGT showed that both inhibited abnormal increases in Qi as described above, and Coptidis rhizoma (CR) and Rhei rhizoma (RR), which are included in OGT, suppressed the cytotoxicity of the other. Since the color of the solution when CR and RR were extracted together was lighter than when they were extracted individually, their components were analyzed by 3D-HPLC. The amount of CR-derived berberine was markedly lower in the co-extraction than in the CR alone extract. When the CR and CC extracts were combined in vitro, a new precipitate was formed. However, when cytotoxicity was assessed using the MTT assay, the inhibition of toxicity was only detected in the co-extraction, and not with in vitro mixing. The underlying mechanisms currently remain unclear; however, these results provide supportive evidence for the “herbal pair” theory in Chinese medicine.

Chapter 3: Stepwise detection of trace agonistic components in HET using electrophysiological techniques.
The majority of antidepressants are inhibitors of the serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2CR), whereas HET has been identified as a stimulator. In this chapter, active compounds were analyzed using electrophysiological methods without omitting any of the intermediate steps of separation. The results obtained showed that a molecule with 283.14 exhibited high physiological activity; however, its structure was not elucidated because it may be an ultra-trace component. These results indicate that a trace amount of a component with high activity contributes to the effects of Chinese herbal medicine. Since this molecule was present at a trace amount, HET may have many agonistic components that have yet to be identified.

Chapter 4: Clarifying the pharmacological mechanisms of action of Shenfu Decoction on cardiovascular diseases using a network pharmacology approach.
New prescriptions may be developed based on the Kampo medicine theories. Numerous prescriptions have newly been developed and used in China to prevent the aggravation of COVID-19. Therefore, basic research was initiated with the aim of developing prescriptions to prevent heart failure caused by the side effects of anticancer drugs. In this chapter, experiments were performed on Shenfu Decoction (人参附子湯: SFD) and the genes contributing to its effects. The myoblast cell line H9C2, which differentiates to the cardiac type with a decrease in the percentage of serum in media and supplementation with retinoic acid, was treated with doxorubicin and SFD. A gene chip analysis followed by a network pharmacology and protein-protein network/module analysis were performed. The results obtained indicated that SFD significantly altered the expression of ubiquitination-related genes; therefore, it may play an important role in the treatment of heart failure. Information on hub genes will provide insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms and contribute to the development of effective novel Kampo prescriptions.

Collectively, the results of each chapter provide the following: 1) basic information on crude drugs in Chinese herbal medicine, 2) insights into the “herbal pair” theory, 3) a more detailed understanding of the effects of ultra-trace agonistic components that exert physiological effects, and 4) the outcomes of attempts to develop new Kampo prescriptions using novel combinations and their underlying molecular mechanisms of action. Although these results appear to be fragmented, research based on the basic concepts of classical Chinese medicine will contribute to the discovery of new theories and therapeutic drugs, and examples of this are described herein.



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