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Studies on teratogenicity of maternal hypoglycemia in rats and rabbits

桑田, 千春 北海道大学



Diabetes during pregnancy is one of the most common maternal disorders and its prevalence is increasing 33) . Insulin is currently the only option for treating diabetes in pregnant women according to several sets of practice guidelines 6,37). Because of its large molecular size, insulin cannot pass the placental barrier by facilitated diffusion, so it rarely affects fetuses directly 23,63,81) . Meanwhile, almost all launched oral antidiabetic drugs, which have a small molecular size and can reach the fetus through the placenta unlike insulin, are contraindicated during pregnancy because they showed teratogenic potential and/or embryo-fetal lethality when administered to animals in non-clinical study during development 43,80) .

When developing a new drug, nonclinical embryo-fetal developmental toxicity (EFD) studies have to be conducted to support human clinical trials and marketing authorization, in accordance with to the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines 35) . To detect unexpected adverse effects on reproduction and embryo-fetal development for human risk assessment during pregnancy, EFD studies in two experimental animal species treated throughout the period of organogenesis are required. In EFD studies, a dose level that is higher than the therapeutic dose should be tested to evaluate potential adverse effects by investigating pregnant maintenance, fetal viability, fetal developmental retardation, and teratogenicity.

Generally, there are two possible mechanisms underlying the teratogenicity of drugs. One is a direct effect of drugs on fetuses by crossing the placenta from mother to fetus. The other is an indirect effect of drugs on fetuses due to maternal conditions induced by drugs. If the drug has a direct effect on fetuses, then it should be contraindicated in pregnant woman due to its own teratogenic potential; however, if the drug shows an indirect effect on fetuses, its use during pregnancy may be acceptable by controlling the maternal conditions. Therefore, it is very important to elucidate the underlying mechanism when a candidate drug shows teratogenicity in animal studies.

Antidiabetic drugs can cause maternal hypoglycemia due to their exacerbated pharmacological action. Subsequently, these drugs may induce teratogenicity in fetuses via maternal hypoglycemia, although it remains controversial whether maternal hypoglycemia can cause teratogenicity in fetuses. Eriksson 19) and Landauer 43) reported that insulin caused fetal teratogenicity due to maternal hypoglycemia without crossing the placental barrier. It was also shown that the administration of insulin to pregnant animals from an early stage of pregnancy caused eye anomalies in their fetuses in rats 52,53) or rabbits 14) and axial skeleton anomalies in their fetuses in rats 76) or mice 72) when examined at a late stage of pregnancy. In addition to the aforementioned in vivo studies, Akazawa et al. 2,3) showed that insulininduced hypoglycemia interrupted neural embryogenesis in rats in early pregnancy period by whole-embryo culture. However, some other in vivo studies demonstrated that insulin did not show teratogenicity despite causing severe hypoglycemia lasting for 1 to 7 h or mild hypoglycemia for 48 h 29,31,38,65). The reason for this discrepancy has not yet been fully elucidated and the detailed pathogenesis of the anomalies in fetuses caused by insulin also remains unclear.

DS-7309 was developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). DS-7309 activates glucokinase (GK), which is distributed primarily in the liver and beta cells of the pancreas and catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to synthesize glucose-6-phosphate 73). In response to a high blood glucose level, GK promotes the secretion of insulin from beta cells and subsequent glycogenesis in the liver, and induces reduction of the blood glucose level 47,48). Therefore, GK is an attractive target for treating T2DM 28,49,79) .

The teratogenic potential of DS-7309 has been recognized in EFD studies using rats and rabbits. However, it is unclear how fetal anomalies developed and whether the teratogenicity of DS-7309 is due to a direct effect on fetuses or an indirect effect caused via maternal hypoglycemia. Therefore, in this work, comprehensive investigation of teratogenicity induced by DS-7309 was conducted as follows: As described in Chapter 1, the toxicological effects of DS-7309 on pregnancy and embryo-fetal development in rats and rabbits and maternal blood glucose levels were examined. Then, as indicated in Chapter 2, four different types of insulin, which rarely affect fetuses directly, were used to cause different types of maternal hypoglycemia (in terms of the severity and duration) in order to characterize the teratogenicity induced by maternal hypoglycemia and to investigate the relationship between the duration and severity of maternal hypoglycemia and teratogenicity in detail. Finally, as shown in Chapter 3, the pathogenesis of and factors contributing to hypoglycemia-induced eye anomalies were further investigated.



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