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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Studies on Optical Properties of Cosmic Amorphous Dust as Foreground of Cosmic Microwave Background」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Studies on Optical Properties of Cosmic Amorphous Dust as Foreground of Cosmic Microwave Background

Nashimoto Masashi 東北大学



The anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is an important key to unraveling the early universe. In particular, CMB B-mode polarization at a large angle scale is a trace of primordial gravitational waves predicted by the in- flation theory, and its first detection is aimed at proving the inflation theory. The primary factor that makes this initial detection difficult is foreground radiation from interstellar matter. In particular, the CMB B-mode polarization signal is embedded in interstellar dust radiation at the CMB peak frequency. The interstel- lar dust emission must be accurately separated from the observed data to obtain the primordial CMB B-mode polarization signal. To achieve this purpose, it is important to deepen the understanding of emission and absorption by interstellar dust.

In recent years, the presence of anomalous microwave emission (AME) has been confirmed as a new foreground radiation component. AME observed as a bumpy spectrum in the 10–30 GHz band can originate from dust because AME is spatially correlated with thermal dust emission. However, its radiation mechanism is still unclear. It is necessary to construct a model that can consistently explain thermal radiation and AME from the far infrared to the submillimeter wavebands.

From Kirchhoff’s law, the emission source is also an absorption source. Although CMB is absorbed by the interstellar matter universally, this effect named as CMB shadows has not been analyzed. The effect of the CMB shadows must be well evaluated to detect the CMB B-mode polarization originating from primordial gravitational waves.

It is known that most of the interstellar dust is composed of amorphous materials, and it is an urgent task to clarify the optical properties based on the physics of amorphous materials. In the current CMB analysis, the single power-law model is applied to the absorption coefficient or emissivity of amorphous dust. On the other hand, it is known that the absorption coefficient of amorphous materials cannot be expressed by such a simple model. A radiation model exceeding the power-law model should be applied to realize high-accuracy CMB observation experiments.

Based on these problems, this thesis studies the optical properties of amorphous dust. The dielectric constant of amorphous dust is derived based on a two-level systems (TLS) model describing the low-temperature properties of amorphous ma- terials, and the absorption coefficient and the emissivity of amorphous dust are estimated. According to the TLS model, it is considered that amorphous materials cause resonance transition at a frequency corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels and release energy. It is expected from laboratory measure- ments that the energy difference between the TLS is about 1 K times the Boltzmann constant, which is about 10 GHz times the Planck constant. This value matches the AME frequency band. Taking into account thermal emission and CMB shadow due to amorphous dust, spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting is performed on the total intensity and polarization data of the Perseus molecular cloud and W 43 in the microwave from the far-infrared. In general, dust radiation is polarized, but up to now, polarized AME has not been detected. This means that the degree of polarization differs between the submillimeter waveband and AME. It is impor- tant to verify whether the difference between the two can be reproduced. In our model, considering the two components of amorphous silicate dust and amorphous carbon dust, the former can emit submillimeter-wave polarization, and the latter can produce AME. From this result, it can be said that thermal amorphous dust emission is an alternative candidate for AME. In our model, the dielectric con-stant, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of amorphous dust are expected to behave differently from terrestrial amorphous materials. Our model predicts the existence of cosmic amorphous dust (CAD) with amorphous properties different from terrestrial amorphous materials. In addition, our model predicts that AME is polarized with a polarization degree of the order of 1%–0.1%. Although the effect of the CMB shadow is negligible for parameter estimation of amorphous dust by SED fitting for the two molecular clouds, it may be affected for the future CMB B-mode polarization detection.


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