
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Effects of propofol on cortico-cortical evoked potentials in the dorsal language white matter pathway」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Effects of propofol on cortico-cortical evoked potentials in the dorsal language white matter pathway

Yamao, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Riki Kunieda, Takeharu Nakae, Takuro Nishida, Sei Inano, Rika Shibata, Sumiya Kikuchi, Takayuki Arakawa, Yoshiki Yoshida, Kazumichi Ikeda, Akio Miyamoto, Susumu 神戸大学



Objective In order to evaluate the clinical utility even under general anesthesia, the present study aimed to clarify the effect of anesthesia on the cortico–cortical evoked potentials (CCEPs). Methods We analyzed 14 patients’ data in monitoring the integrity of the dorsal language pathway by using CCEPs both under general anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil and awake condition, with the main aim of clarifying the effect of anesthesia on the distribution and waveform of CCEPs. Results The distribution of larger CCEP response sites, including the locus of the maximum CCEP response site, was marginally affected by anesthesia. With regard to similarity of waveforms, the mean waveform correlation coefficient indicated a strong agreement. CCEP N1 amplitude increased by an average of 25.8% from general anesthesia to waking, except three patients. CCEP N1 latencies had no correlation in changes between the two conditions. Conclusions We demonstrated that the distribution of larger CCEP responses was marginally affected by anesthesia and that the CCEP N1 amplitude had tendency to increase from general anesthesia to the awake condition. Significance The CCEP method provides the efficiency of intraoperative monitoring for dorsal language white matter pathway even under general anesthesia.



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Figure legends

Figure 1.

Measurement of the N1 amplitude and latency of cortico-cortical evoked potentials. A line

was drawn from the onset to the offset of the N1 peak, and the N1 amplitude was then

measured as the height of a vertical line drawn from the negative peak of N1 to the

intersection of the vertical line with the above-described line (Matsumoto et al., 2004). The

latencies of N1 onset and N1 peak were measured from the time of stimulation to the N1

onset and N1 peak, respectively. The vertical bar represents the time of stimulation.


Figure 2.


Intraoperative CCEP distribution map (Patient 10). A: CCEP waveforms under general


anesthesia and in the awake condition (before tumor removal). In each waveform, two trials


are plotted in superimposition. CCEP distribution, including the maximum CCEP response


site (Electrode B13), did not change between the two conditions. Each waveform was


averaged and time-locked to the stimulus onset (analysis window: -100 to +500 ms,

Anesthetic effect on CCEPs

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baseline: –100 to –5 ms). To improve visualization, line has been lifted in each waveform.

B: CCEP distribution map under general anesthesia. The diameter of the circle at each

electrode represents the percentile to the amplitude at the maximum CCEP response site

(Electrode B13). C: Change of the N1 amplitude during surgery at the maximum CCEP

response site (Electrode B13). The waveform correlation coefficient was calculated at 0.95.

The N1 amplitude increased from 188.6 to 232.6 V. CCEP N1 latencies are shown only in

the awake condition.

CCEP = cortico–cortical evoked potential


Video 1.


The illustrative case (Patient 10) of the on-line CCEP monitoring in the operation theater,


using a 32-channel intraoperative evoked potential machine (MEE 1232 Neuromaster,


equipped with MS 120B electrical stimulator; NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION, Tokyo,


Japan). The contents of the video are described below. (0-2 s); Left upper column;


Preoperative MR images (left; fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image, right; T1-weighted

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image with gadolinium enhancement). Right upper column; Electrode configuration in the

intraoperative view (after tumor removal). Lower column; Electrode placement. A plate is

placed on the frontal cortex, and B plate is placed on the temporoparietal cortex. (2-4 s);

CCEPs were recorded by single-pulse electrical stimulation at the electrode pair A14-15

(anterior language area). Three consecutive sets (i.e., averaged CCEP waveforms) are shown

at each electrode on the display. The upper two waveforms are the ones currently being

recorded (two sets were obtained to confirm the reproducibility). The lower one is the one

performed 5 min previously. The left 5 x 4 columns (red square) demonstrate waveforms on

the B plate, and the right 3 x 4 columns (blue square) show waveforms on the A plate.


Electrode B13 (red circle) shows the maximum CCEP response at the posterior language area.


(4 s to the end of the video); Real-time CCEP acquisition. The blue waveform (the uppermost


waveform) represents the ongoing averaged CCEP waveform. The other two waveforms


(green) were already recorded previously. Note that the waveform being averaged on-line is


very similar to the one recorded just previously (the second upper waveform in green) within


several seconds (i.e., several trials), although 30 stimuli were delivered to obtain the averaged

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CCEP in each set. The intraoperative integrity of the dorsal language pathway can be

evaluated by the amplitude change in the maximum CCEP response site (Electrode B13).

CCEP = cortico–cortical evoked potential




