
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「An extremely rare missense mutation of the androgen receptor gene in a Vietnamese family with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




An extremely rare missense mutation of the androgen receptor gene in a Vietnamese family with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome

Ha, Thi Minh Thi Le, Phan Tuong Quynh Le, Thanh Nha Uyen Hoang, Thi Thuy Yen 名古屋大学



Androgen insensitivity syndrome, OMIM# 300068, was first described as testicular feminization by Morris.1 It is characterized by resistance to androgen in 46,XY individuals.2 The
external genitalia of patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome vary from a normal female
form in complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) to an undervirilized male form in
partial androgen insensitivity syndrome and a normal male form in mild androgen insensitivity
syndrome.3 The prevalence of CAIS is estimated to range from one in 20,400 to one in 99,100
individuals with a 46,XY karyotype.2 Primary amenorrhea in a phenotypic female adolescent
and inguinal hernia/swelling in a phenotypic female infant are typical scenarios in which CAIS
is diagnosed.4 Although CAIS patients have a female appearance with breast development and
complete female external genitalia, they have a 46,XY karyotype with the presence of the
SRY gene. The clinical presentation of CAIS results from a lack of masculinization caused by
ineffective androgen action due to receptor function loss.5 The androgen receptor is encoded by
the androgen receptor (AR) gene (OMIM# 313700), which is located on the X chromosome at
Xq12.2 Approximately 95% of CAIS patients have AR gene mutation.6 CAIS is thus an X-linked
recessive genetic disorder in which 70% of AR mutations are inherited and 30% are de novo.2
Several hundred AR mutations have been identified, and the number is steadily increasing. Since
2012, the Androgen Receptor Gene Mutations Database has added over 800 entries of mutations
causing androgen insensitivity syndrome, including over 500 different AR mutations. 7 To date,
the Human Gene Mutation Database includes more than 700 AR mutations, the vast majority of
which are missense and nonsense mutations.8 Thus, it is critical to detect AR gene mutations,
particularly rare or novel ones in diverse populations, and determine their association with the
CAIS phenotype. We present a Vietnamese family with several phenotypic females who have a
46,XY karyotype with an extremely rare AR gene mutation. ...



1 Morris JM. The syndrome of testicular feminization in male pseudohermaphrodites. Am J Obstet Gynecol.

1953;65(6):1192–1211. doi:10.1016/0002-9378(53)90359-7.

2 Batista RL, Costa EMF, Rodrigues AS, et al. Androgen insensitivity syndrome: A review. Arch Endocrinol

Metab. 2018;62(2):227–235. doi:10.20945/2359-3997000000031.

3 Hughes IA, Davies JD, Bunch TI, Pasterski V, Mastroyannopoulou K, Macdougall J. Androgen insensitivity

syndrome. Lancet. 2012;380(9851):1419–1428. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60071-3.

4 Oakes MB, Eyvazzadeh AD, Quint E, Smith YR. Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome - A Review.

J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2008;21(6):305–310. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2007.09.006.

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Thi Minh Thi Ha et al

5 Infante JB, Alvelos MI, Bastos M, Carrilho F, Lemos MC. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome

caused by a novel splice donor site mutation and activation of a cryptic splice donor site in the androgen

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6 Mongan NP, Tadokoro-Cuccaro R, Bunch T, Hughes IA. Androgen insensitivity syndrome. Best Pract Res

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7 Gottlieb B, Beitel LK, Nadarajah A, Paliouras M, Trifiro M. The androgen receptor gene mutations database:

2012 update. Hum Mutat. 2012;33(5):887–894. doi:10.1002/humu.22046.

8 Cooper DN, Ball EV, Stenson PD, et al. The Human Gene Mutation Database. Institute of Medical Genetics in Cardiff University. https://my.qiagendigitalinsights.com/bbp/view/hgmd/pro/all.php. Published 2021.

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9 Michala L, Creighton SM. The XY female. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2010;24(2):139–148.


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11 Wisniewski AB, Batista RL, Costa EMF, et al. Management of 46,XY Differences/Disorders of Sex

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12 Galani A, Kitsiou-Tzeli S, Sofokleous C, Kanavakis E, Kalpini-Mavrou A. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Clinical Features and Molecular Defects. Hormones (Athens). 2008;7(3):217–229. doi:10.14310/


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