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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Nutrient–Specific Variation of C–N Metabolism in the Leaves and Roots of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annunm. L) in Response to Macronutrient Deficiency」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Nutrient–Specific Variation of C–N Metabolism in the Leaves and Roots of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annunm. L) in Response to Macronutrient Deficiency

LEE, Yejin HWANG, Tae-Young LEE, Seulbi SHINOGI, Yoshiyuki 凌, 祥之 シノギ, ヨシユキ OH, TaeK-Keun SUNG, Jwakyung 九州大学



Mineral nutrients as an essential element for agricultural crops are absorbed by the roots, transported in the xylem to the shoots, and assimilated into organic molecules or involved in a large number of metabo- lism. Visual symptoms such as growth retardation, reduced crop production and resistance against disease and pests are strongly connected with a result of metabolic disturbance by mineral deficiency. Of essential mineral nutrients, we looked into mineral–mineral interactions (expressed by synergism and antagonism) and subsequent metabolic changes in the leaves and roots of bell pepper during macronutrient deficiency. The deficiency of cationic nutrients (K, Ca and Mg) and S responded generally antagonistically each other in terms of uptake, and these blockages resulted in significant changes in metabolite levels which are able to be caused by restricted shoots–roots communication of phytosynthates. Each nutrient affected differently to the type and amount of metabolites and plant organs. Interesting finding was significant increase in amino acids in both organs by cations deficiency, and, of them, glutamine and asparagine were more than 10–fold accumulated, which could be considered as a potential indicator of cation deficiency. Furthermore, it was carefully assumed that a limited uptake of sulfur accompanied by cations deficiency could be direct cause of disturbance in primary metabolism rather than cations itself. In view of this, on the premise of fur- ther study to verify what happens between cations and sulfur in plants, our study might help to make clear the complicated mechanisms of metabolic networks in responses to individual and multiple nutrient stresses.



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