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Study on single-shot ultrafast burst imaging utilizing frequency-to-time encoding of an ultrashort kaser pulse (本文)

鈴木, 敬和 慶應義塾大学



Single-shot ultrafast imaging is expected to pave a way to measure transient phenomena in femtoseconds to nanoseconds domain in real-time. Among them, a frequency-to-time encoding of Sequentially Timed All-optical Mapping Photography (STAMP) is the only method capable of direct 2D-burst imaging with both high temporal and spatial resolution on a single-shot basis. However, to realize diverse applications of STAMP, there are requirements to solve the problem of freedom in the number of snapshots and expansion of the time window to the nanoseconds regime.

This study aims to reveal various ultrafast nonrepetitive phenomena in real-time by developing and applying the modified version of STAMP utilizing Spectral Filtering (SF-STAMP). The first half of this thesis focuses on the establishment of a comprehensive SF-STAMP methodology with a simple but widely applicable to single-shot imaging. The second half addresses the single-shot measurements of photo- and THz-induced irreversible ultrafast phase transition that can be observed for the first time by virtue of SF-STAMP’s notable features of a single shot and ps-temporal and μm-spatial resolution. Moreover, a real-time in-situ measurement application has been demonstrated by combining a conventional high-speed camera and SF-STAMP. These results highlight that the STAMP method has advantages over other single-shot ultrafast imaging methods.

Chapter 1 outlines the background and purpose of this study.

Chapter 2 describes the fundamentals of the ultrafast laser used in this study, the principle of SF-STAMP, scaling to 25 burst frames, and an extension approach to the nanoseconds time window with spectrally sweeping burst delayed pulses.

Chapter 3 addresses a single-shot measurement of THz-driven irreversible phase transition in multilayer MoTe2 by observing transient reflectivity change of a chirped probe by SF-STAMP, together with 1D-optical streak imaging (1D-OSI) spectroscopy. Insights of THz-induced phase transition dynamics are summarized.

In Chapter 4, the real-time application of SF-STAMP combining with a kHz high-speed camera is demonstrated. Real-time in-situ measurement of laser processing evaluates the precursor process of each pulse and its effect on femtosecond laser processing of glass under multiple pulses accumulated conditions with sub-nanosecond time resolution using a chirp pulse probe or spectrally sweeping burst probes.

Chapter 5 discusses the outlook for the future applications of SF-STAMP, especially laser processing and THz wave region.

In Chapter 6, the experimental results and knowledge obtained in each chapter are summarized.



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