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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Estimating long-term uplift rate based on stream analysis:A practical guide to extract tectonic signature from river morphology」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Estimating long-term uplift rate based on stream analysis:A practical guide to extract tectonic signature from river morphology

Takahashi Naoya 東北大学



Fault slip rate reflects sizes and recurrence intervals of past earthquakes, meaning quantifying slip rates is vital to understand the spatiotemporal pattern of large earthquakes. Traditional approaches to obtain slip rates require offset markers that record deformation of past earthquakes; however, such marker is very limited. River adjusts its morphology depending on uplift rates and occurs ubiquitously, suggesting river morphology can be an alternative proxy to infer uplift rates. While a growing number of studies examine relationships between river morphology and uplift rates, we do not know how to use the current knowledge to derive more accurate uplift rates from stream analysis. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide a guide to tease out tectonic signals from river morphology through the following two studies.

In the first study, I presented a method to evaluate the effects of substrate strength on channel steepness based on the standard detachment limited model. Although the significance of substrate properties over channel morphology has long been recognized, the erosional resistance of rocks measured by existing methods was qualitative. The current method can quantify and calibrate the effects of different substrates on channel steepness. Using this method, I estimated the long-term uplift rates along the Futagawa fault, a dextral-normal fault in Kumamoto, southwestern Japan. Although further studies are necessary to test the robustness of this approach, the calibration method presented in this study should help evaluating effects of rock strength on normalized channel steepness.

The second study revealed the response timescales of channel width and hillslope angle to accelerated erosion. Channel width and hillslope angle are important factors to modulate erosion rates. Their response timescales were rarely discussed in previous studies due to their difficulty in constraining in an actual landscape. I showed those response time could be constrained using knickpoint travel time and the resulting timescales were 320–540 ky for width and 40–320 ky for hillslope angle when the slope exponent n in the stream power model was 1. This result indicates that a basin-scale steady state is not established soon after a knickpoint travels up to the head of the trunk stream, emphasizing the need to carefully investigate trunk and tributary channels and adjacent hillslopes to reduce errors in uplift rates deduced from stream analysis.



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