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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of Flexible Finite-Fault Inversion Method to Estimate Fault Geometry from Teleseismic Data」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of Flexible Finite-Fault Inversion Method to Estimate Fault Geometry from Teleseismic Data

清水, 宏亮 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002005714



Finite-fault inversion of seismic waveforms has been used as a common tool to understand rupture evolution during an earthquake since 1980s. Despite the development of dense and high-quality seismic networks, especially since the 2000s, difference of source models for the same earthquake has been pointed out, which may come from modeling errors due to inappro- priate assumption of source model. In particular, modeling errors of fault geometry can largely distort solutions and bias understanding of source processes. In recent years, there have been studies introducing modeling errors of fault geometry into seismic source inversion. However, fault geometry is crucial information to understand regional tectonics and earthquake dynamics, and seismic waveforms generally contain information on fault geometry as well as rupture evo- lution. This dissertation aimed at development of inversion methods simultaneously to estimate rupture evolution and fault geometry from teleseismic P waveforms. In the first step, we imple- mented an inversion method extracting information on fault geometry as well as rupture evolu- tion, named potency density tensor inversion, by representing fault slip on the assumed simple fault plane by the superposition of five basis double-couple components of potency density tensor, instead of two double-couple components compatible with the fault direction. Because teleseismic P-wave Green’s function is quite sensitive to shear-slip direction while relatively in- sensitive to shear-slip location, the inversion method enables us to infer spatiotemporal potency density tensor distribution without detailed assumptions about fault geometry. In the next step, making use of the developed potency density tensor inversion method, a further advanced in- version method to construct fault geometry was implemented as a non-linear inversion process, first assuming a flat fault surface and then updating the fault geometry by using the information on slip direction. The developed inversion methods were evaluated by numerical simulations and applications to teleseismic P waveforms of the MW 7.7 2013 Balochistan, Pakistan and the MW 7.9 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquakes, which occurred along geometrically complex fault systems. The obtained spatiotemporal potency density tensor distribution of the Balochistan earthquake suggests that the rupture propagated unilaterally towards southwest from the epi- center, and its constructed fault shows a curved strike-slip fault convex to southeast, which is consistent with the observed surface ruptures. The constructed fault of the Gorkha earthquake is a reverse fault with a ramp-flat-ramp structure, which is also consistent with the fault geometry derived from geodetic and geological data. These results exhibit that the developed inversion methods work well for estimating fault geometry of an earthquake and make great contribution to the advancement of detailed understanding of earthquake source processes and tectonics.

Keywords: Finite-Fault Inversion, Fault Geometry, Nonlinear Inversion, The 2013 Balochis- tan Pakistan Earthquake, The 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake


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