
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Biological Impact of Shorter Wavelength Ultraviolet Radiation-C」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Biological Impact of Shorter Wavelength Ultraviolet Radiation-C

Nishigori, Chikako Yamano, Nozomi Kunisada, Makoto Nishiaki-Sawada, Aiko Ohashi, Hiroyuki Igarashi, Tatsushi 神戸大学



Life on earth has constantly coped with the impact of solar radiation, especially solar ultraviolet radiation (solar UV). Various biological mechanisms protect us from solar UV. New devices emitting shorter wavelengths UV-C, i.e. <254 nm emitted by conventional UV germicidal lamps, have emerged. These shorter wavelength UV-C emitting devices are useful for various purposes, including microorganism inactivation. However, as solar UV-C does not reach the earth surface, biological impacts of UV-C has been studied using 254 nm germicidal lamps, and those using shorter wavelength UV-C is rarely known. To balance the utility and risk of UV-C, the biological effect of these new UV-C emitting devices must be investigated. In addition, our knowledge of biological impacts of the wavelength-dependent entire UV (100–400 nm) must be enhanced. In this review, we briefly summarize the biological impacts of shorter wavelength UV-C. Mechanisms of UV-C-induced cellular damage and factors affecting the microorganism inactivation efficiency of UV-C have been discussed. In addition, we theoretically estimate the probable photocarcinogenic action spectrum of shorter wavelength UV-C. We propose that increasing the knowledge on UV-C will facilitate the adoption of shorter wavelength UV-C emitting new devices in an optimal and appropriate manner.



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Chikako Nishigori is a

Director of Japanese Red

Cross Hyogo Blood Center/Visiting Professor of

Dermatology at Kobe




trained as a dermatologist

at Kyoto University and

received her Ph.D. there.

She joined Prof. Kripke’s

laboratory at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her

major topics of interest are

photodermatosis, photobiology, skin cancers and

pigmentary disorders. She

served as president of

Japanese Society for Photomedicine and Photobiology (2013–2018) and

President of Japanese Pigment Cell Research (2014–

2016) and board of Japanese Dermatological Association (2016–2022).

She has received “Edna Roe Lectureship 2014” from the International

Union of Photobiology for her achievements on photobiology.

Laboratory, Laboratory of Genetics, Human Genetics Section, NIA/NIHIRP, Baltimore MD, USA as a Visiting Fellow, and studied the development gene of mice sweat glands.



reserved the associate

degree of electric engineering from National

Institute of Technology,

Akashi College in 1999,

and the B.S. from Kobe

University of Mercantile

Marine in 2001. After

graduating, she joined

Ushio Inc. She engaged

research and development

of xenon lamp for endoscopes and fiber laser

until 2016. Since 2017,

she has been investigating

the Safety and efficacy of

222 nm UVC.

Hiroyuki Ohashi got his

Ph.D. in protein evolutionary


research from the University of Tokyo in 2007. He

worked for the Department of Biochemistry at

the University of Cambridge as an assistant professor in the UK. In

recent years, he has been

conducting research on

the safety of Far UV-C

and infection control with

222 nm in Ushio Inc. He

is a Deputy General Manager and a Leader of

CARE222 Project.



received her M.D. at



Faculty of Medicine and

Health Sciences in 2014,

and her Ph.D. at Kobe



School of Medicine in




research on the reaction

after 222 nm UVC irradiation using an animal

model of xeroderma pigmentosum group A, Xpaknockout mice and hairless mice in the graduate

school. She is currently

an assistant professor at a

division of dermatology,

at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine

and evaluate the methods

of shading from UVA and UVB.

Makoto Kunisada, M.D.

and Ph.D. was graduated

from Kobe University,

Faculty of Medicine, in

1998 and has been a dermatologist. Currently he

is an Associate Professor

of Division of Dermatology, Kobe University

Graduate School of Medicine, Japan. His specialty

is Skin photocarcinogenesis,


Molecular biology. He




School of Kobe University (2003–2006). His

thesis project was ultraviolet


skin carcinogenesis. During 2006–2009, he joined Dr. Shcresinger’s


Tatsushi Igarashi was

born in Hokkaido in 1954.

In 1979, he received a MS

degree in analytical chemistry from Muroran Institute of Technology. In

1979 he engaged in

research on heavy metal

pollution in the ocean at

California Institute of

Technology. Joined Ushio

Inc. in 1980, developed an

excimer lamp in 1993, an

ArF excimer laser in

2000, and an EUV light

source as an executive

officer and CTO in 2013.

2015–2022. His research

interests include the safety

of 222 nm bactericidal

effect and reliable 222 nm

lamps. He is Senior Technical Advisor of Ushio Inc.

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