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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Flume experiments in the development of crevasse-splay deposits: transition from asymmetric-to-symmetric geometry」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Flume experiments in the development of crevasse-splay deposits: transition from asymmetric-to-symmetric geometry

Kato, Taichi Yamada, Masaki Naruse, Hajime Yuichi, Sakai 京都大学 DOI:10.2110/jsr.2023.029



Crevasse-splay deposits play an important role in the reconstruction of the magnitude of past flood events and in understanding the behavior of river systems. Despite the extensive studies conducted on the geometry and facies of crevasse-splay deposits, their spatiotemporal developmental processes have remained insufficiently understood. In this study, scaled flume experiments were conducted to study the relationship between the developmental processes of crevasse splays and their characteristics. An experimental flume was set up in a tank to simulate the 2019 Chikuma River flood, Central Japan event. To model the overbank flow, an opening was created on the side of the flume’s wall through which the flow flooded onto a horizontal acrylic plate. The sediment used in the experiments consisted of particles with grain sizes of approximately 0.3 and 0.1 mm, which were determined to be equivalent to bedload gravel and suspended sand in a real-scale river using dimensional analysis. The results of the experi ments revealed three important findings: (1) Crevasse-splay deposits initially developed an asymmetric shape extending downstream of the main river channel but gradually showed a symmetric geometry. The river mainstream initially influenced the direction of the inundation flow, but channel bifurcations after the deposition of the sediment piles later changed the geometry of splays into a more symmetric shape. (2) Crevasse-splay deposits developed in two distinct regions (proximal and distal splay), corresponding to sediment transport by bedload and suspended load, respectively. These two regions are commonly observed in the actual field scale. (3) The original overbank flow was a sheet flow without channels, which caused coarse-grained sediments to be spread over a wide area. Subsequently, the accumulation of coarse sands in the developed channel interiors resulted in the buildup of finer-grained sediments upstream of the proximal splay. Thus, the proximal splay deposits became slightly coarse downstream, whereas they rapidly became fine at the boundary with the distal splay. These findings indicate that the characteristics of crevasse-splay deposits vary with the landform’s development stage, thus providing a basis for interpreting their depositional facies.



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Fig. 1.— Drone image showing the breached levee, crevasse channel, and crevasse-splay deposit

associated with the October 2019 flooding of the Chikuma River in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan

(provided by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan). The house with black roof in the

bottom left corner of the image is approximately 6–7 m high.

Fig. 2.— Experimental facilities. The grid interval of the floodplain is 10 cm (Runs 1–3) and 5 cm

(Runs 4–6).

Fig. 3.— The experimental procedures of three breach patterns A–C. The acrylic board controlled

the water level in the flume at the downstream edge.

Fig. 4.— Experimental deposits in Runs 1–6.

Fig. 5.— The formation process of the crevasse-splay deposits with the shift in the crevasse

channel direction in Run 4. A) 20 s after the flow overflowing started. B) 5 s, C) 30 s, and D) 120 s

after the levee breach.

Fig. 6.— Variation in flow velocity in the crevasse channel in Runs 4 and 6.

Fig. 7.— Orthophotos of experimental deposits and digital elevation model of the crevasse-splay


deposit measured by image analysis in A) Run 2, B) Run 3, and C) Run 5.

Fig. 8.— Experimental deposit in Run 4. A) Orthophoto. B) Digital elevation model of the

crevasse-splay deposit measured by image analysis. C) Volume per unit area (5 cm grid) measured

by sampling. The variation along the transect is shown in Fig. 10. D) Ratio of green sand in the total.

Fig. 9.— Experimental deposit in Run 6. A) Orthophoto. B) Digital elevation model of the

crevasse-splay deposit measured by image analysis. C) Volume per unit area (5 cm grid) measured

by sampling. The variation along the transect is shown in Fig. 10. D) Ratio of green sand in the total.

Fig. 10.— Volume per unit area variation along the transects parallel (P–P') and perpendicular (T–

T') to the main channel in Runs 4 and 6.

Table 1.— Experiment conditions. Breaching patterns A–C are explained in the main text and Fig.

3. Times indicate the elapsed time after the experiment started.

Table 2.— Comparison of hydraulic conditions in the experiments and in the actual river

(Chikuma River); grain size of fine sediment in the Chikuma River is not given here because the

fine-grained material in the Chikuma River exhibited a broad grain size distribution and

flocculation may have occurred.


Kato et al., Fig. 1

Kato et al., Fig. 2

Pattern A (Runs 1–2: instantaneous breaching)

Sluice gate (35 cm wide)

20 cm


Water depth before the breach

8 cm (Run 1), 4 cm (Run 2)

Water and colored sand

Pattern B (Run 3: gradual breaching)

8 cm

6 cm+


6 cm

1st breach

6 cm


6 cm

2nd breach

Pattern C (Runs 4–6: overflow to breach)

8 cm

6 cm+


Kato et al., Fig. 3

Kato et al., Fig. 4

Kato et al., Fig. 5

Flow velocity in the crevasse channel (cm/s)












Time after experiment started (s)


Kato et al., Fig. 6

Kato et al., Fig. 7

Kato et al., Fig. 8

Kato et al., Fig. 9

Volume per unit area (mm)

Volume per unit area (mm)

Volume per unit area (mm)

Volume per unit area (mm)

Run 4

Sluice gate

Along transect P–P'


Run 4

Main channel

Proximal splay

Distal splay

Upstream pile



Along transect T–T'


Along transect P–P'


Run 6

Sluice gate

Run 6

Main channel

Proximal splay

Distal splay



Upstream pile

Along transect T–T'


Kato et al., Fig. 10

Table 1



Water temperature

[℃ ]




tilt [%]

Water depth at

overflow [cm]

Water depth just

before breach [cm]

Run 1



Run 2



Run 3




6 (1st), 6 (2nd)

Run 4


−1.4 to −1.0


Run 5




Run 6




Start of

overflow [s]

Start of

levee breach [s]

Stop of

water flow [s]

Concentration in

downstream edge



in tank [%]

Grid interval [cm]









105 116 (1st), 124 (2nd)





















