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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Structure of the outflow from super-massive black-hole seeds and its impact on the cosmological scales」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Structure of the outflow from super-massive black-hole seeds and its impact on the cosmological scales

Botella Lasaga, Ignacio 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k23705



It is one of the biggest issues in black hole (BH) astrophysics how to precisely evaluate BH feedback to its environments. Previous work attempting to evaluate these phenomena have been limited by lack of observation evidence, computational power or other constrains. Aiming at studying the unique gas dynamics of super-Eddington flow around supermassive black hole (SMBH) seeds at high redshift, the thesis applicant carried out axisymmetric two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations through the Nested Simulation-Box (NSB) method which he has developed. This novel method consists of dividing the simulation box into individual simulation boxes each covering length scales of around 3 orders of magnitude. This allows the applicant to create a chain of simulations capable of covering any region of space between the cosmological inner boundary and the black hole boundary. In this thesis the applicant used 2 distinct simulation boxes, the first one covering the inner zone at (2 - 3×103) rS (with rS being the Schwarzschild radius) and the second covering the outer zone at (2×103 - 3×106) rS. In order for these 2 boxes to form a single larger simulation one need to create a smooth connection between them. This guarantees a smooth connection of the physical quantities and thus a continuation between the inner and outer zones. One can hence simulate the evolution of gas outflow over a wide spatial range from the BH scale to the cosmological simulation scale.

 In the first (fiducial) model the applicant started the calculation by injecting mass through the outer boundary of the inner zone at a constant rate of 103LEdd/c2, where LEdd is the Eddington luminosity and c is the speed of light, with a small angular momentum. At the center of the simulation box he placed a SMBH seed of mass of MBH = 103Msun. Powerful outflows are generated in the innermost region and they propagate from the inner zone to the outer zone. The outflows are characterized by velocity of 0.02c (or 0.7c) and density of 10-17 (10-19) g cm-3 in the edge-on (face-on) direction. Even in the outer zone the outflow is gradually accelerated as it travels by accepting radiation-pressure force. The final mass outflow rate at the outermost boundary is 60% of the injection rate. By extrapolating the outflow structure to a further larger scale, he found that the momentum and mechanical energy fluxes at r = 0.1 pc are (10 – 100) LEdd/c and (0.1 – 10) LEdd, respectively. Moreover, he found that the impacts are highly anisotropic in the sense that larger impacts are given towards the face-on direction than in the edge-on direction. These results indicate that the BH feedback will more efficiently work on the interstellar medium than that assumed in the cosmological simulations.

 In the second model the applicant reduced the mass injection rate to 500 LEdd/c2, while keeping all other initial values. He then found that the accretion process becomes more efficient, while the outflow rate is less, about 40% of the injected mass rate. As a result, the generated wind is weaker, with velocity of 0.03c (or 0.7c) and density of 10-18 (10-19) g cm-3 in the edge-on (face-on) direction. Doing the extrapolation to the cosmological inner boundary (i.e., 0.1 pc) he obtained in this case the momentum and mechanical energy fluxes values of (1 – 10) LEdd/c and (0.01 – 10) LEdd, respectively. This means again that the cosmological models tend to underestimate the impact from the AGN feedback.



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