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李 坤朋 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00013922



Greenhouse gas emissions such as those of carbon dioxide, along with the increasing consumption of traditional carbon-based fossil fuels, impede eco-friendly and sustainable development meant to mitigate the effects of global warming. As fossil fuels are nonrenewable energy sources, it is considered that they will be exhausted within the current century. Obtaining an ideal energy source before the depletion of fossil fuels is quite difficult. Hydrogen is widely believed to be a feasible option from the standpoint of high energy density and can be produced via water electrolysis. Furthermore, the production of hydrogen fuel involves only water, which makes for a highly eco-friendly production process. However, the effective use of hydrogen will be a challenge in a future hydrogenled society.

Fuel cells present high potential with regard to the consumption of hydrogen fuel owing to low noise and relatively high efficiency, among other parameters. Compared to lowtemperature (~120 °C) fuel cells, such as proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, intermediate-/high-temperature (400-800 °C) fuel cells exhibit higher system efficiencies, whereby they are a good choice for achieving effective use of hydrogen fuel. Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs), an intermediate-temperature type, present high potential for future commercial usage, owing to their high fuel utilization and higher efficiency when compared to those of the commercialized high-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). A detailed introduction of PCFCs in terms of their constituent materials, ion conductivity, and drawbacks are presented in Chapter 1.

For the commercial use of PCFCs, the PCFC system must operate at a high level of performance (i.e., system efficiency). To investigate the system performance, the most important part, i.e., PCFC stack (the cell itself), should be analyzed. PCFCs are usually observed to undergo current leakage induced via electron–hole conduction, leading to a decrease in performance. Current efficiency is usually used to express the current leakage influence. On the contrary, in SOFCs, the ion conductivity is only influenced by temperature, and the conductivities of defects including protons and electron holes are strongly affected by the gas partial pressures and temperature, because of which numerical simulations of PCFCs are much more difficult to achieve than those of SOFCs. The Nernst–Planck–Poisson (NPP) model is a good approach to use for revealing the gas partial pressures and temperature influences on PCFC performance, through which the integrated model is difficult to deal with. In Chapter 2, the calculation of this NPP model for PCFCs is introduced.

In Chapter 3, the calculation conditions for a BZYb20 electrolyte-based PCFC are proposed. Furthermore, the verification and validation of the numerical model are presented. Subsequently, defect conductivity distributions and current efficiencies are revealed under different operating temperatures, fuel utilizations, and gas flow directions. The power efficiency variation with electrolyte thickness is also presented.

In Chapter 4, an investigation of the system efficiencies of PCFC systems using H2- based fuel is provided, considering the influence of the gas fuel utilization and gas humidification rate, derived using the NPP model in Chapter 3, on the performance of PCFCs. The influence of other equipment, such as heaters, on system efficiency are also discussed.

Finally, a simple conclusion and discussion of the importance of this dissertation are presented in Chapter 5.


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