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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「The mechanism of the conversion of alpha-eleostearic acid into conjugated linoleic acid」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




The mechanism of the conversion of alpha-eleostearic acid into conjugated linoleic acid

Wu Qiming 東北大学



Conjugated fatty acids are geometric and positional isomers with several conjugated double bonds. Among conjugated fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; C18:2) is a collective term linoleic acid (cis9,cis12-18:2) with two conjugated double bonds (Fig. 1). More than 28 isoforms of CLA were found due to the various arrangement of positional and geometric variations1). CLA-rich foods are considered as functional foods, because several of them, like cis-9,trans-11 (c9,t11)- and t10,c12-CLA were reported to have various beneficial effects on physiological functions, such as anti-obesity and anticarcinogenic activities, immune enhancement, bone formation improvement, and lipid metabolism regulation in in vivo and in vitro studies1,2). And the main sources of CLA for humans are commonly found in dairy products and ruminant meat. Dairy products are the principal source of CLA in human diets, however, the CLA intake from dietary sources is far from the intended effective dosage due to the low content of CLA in nature3), as the CLA are naturally present in very small amounts in these foodstuffs which typically contain fat in the range from 2.9 to 8.9 mg/g 4). Accordingly, it is necessary to supplement the human diet with CLA supplements to reach the intended effective dosage.

 However, it is important to note that the balance of the different CLA isoforms is heavily distorted in supplements because the CLA in supplements is not derived from natural foods but prepared by chemically altering the linoleic acid found in vegetable oils, which would lead to generate types of CLA isoforms that are never found in large amounts in nature. Specifically, the most of the commercially available CLA supplements contain almost equal amounts of the two major isomers c9,t11-CLA (40.85-41.1 %) and t10,c12-CLA (43.5-44.9%), and significant levels of other CLA isomers (4.6%-10%)5). While the c9,t11-CLA is believed to be the most common natural form of CLA comprising 80 to 90% of the total CLA in food products from ruminants, whereas t10,c12-CLA is present at a level of 3-5%, and other isomers are present in very small amounts 6,7). For these reasons, CLA supplements do not provide the same health effects as CLA from natural foods. What is more, it has been reported that mice fed the highly purified t10, c12-CLA isomer had adverse side effects such as insulin resistance, robust hyperinsulinemia, and massive liver steatosis 8-10). Furthermore, insulin resistance has also been detected in obese men treated with purified t10,c12-CLA11), which raises concerns about the safety of dietary supplements containing the t10,c12-CLA isomer. On the other hand, c9,t11- CLA, which was found to improve the increased insulin resistance caused by t10,c12-CLA9,12), is considered safer due to fewer reported side effects.

 The content of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA; C18:3) with three conjugated double bonds in seed oil from certain plants can comprise up more than 80% of the total lipid content, which is in contrast to the generally low content of CLA in nature. We are particularly interested in these CLnA-rich seed oils, because CLnA is the only conjugated fatty acid that can be prepared from natural sources in bulk13). For example, α-eleostearic acid (α-ESA; c9,t11,t13-CLnA) comprises up to 60% (wt/wt) of the total lipid content of bitter gourd seed oil and 76% of the total lipid content of tung seed oil, whereas punicic acid (PA; c9,t11,c13-CLnA) comprises up to 74.5% of the total lipid content of pomegranate seed oil, and jacaric acid (JA; c8,t10,c12-CLnA) is found at a concentration of 15.9% in jacaranda seed oil. In addition, α-ESA has been reported to have a new confirmed strong antiangiogenic effect 14-17). We first reported that α- ESA was converted into c9,t11-CLA in 1% α-ESA-fed rats18). Moreover, similar conversions of CLnA into CLA in PA- and JA-fed rats, where PA was converted into c9,t11-CLA and JA was converted into c8,t10-CLA, were also observed in rats13,19). These conversions were also confirmed in mice and humans by other reporters20-22).

 Endogenous CLA synthesis from vaccenic acid (t11-18:1), a major intermediate produced during the ruminal biohydrogenation, is dependent on Δ9-desaturase6,23). And this synthetic pathway has also been found in rodents24,25), pigs26), and other species27). Another pathway for endogenous CLA synthesis is formed as an intermediate during the bio-hydrogenation of linoleic acid to stearic acid (18:0) by B.fibrisolvens and other rumen bacteria28). Although the major source of CLA in humans comes from dietary intake, endogenous synthesis of CLA from vaccenic acid was also been reported in humans29,30) and other non-ruminants25,31,32). Accordingly, the conversion of CLnA into CLA could be a novel pathway for endogenous CLA synthesis. As CLnA can be prepared more easily than CLA, once the mechanism of this conversion is elucidated, it is expected that CLnA, especially α-ESA will be a new source for CLA synthesis or supplant CLA as a dietary supplement.

 Although, we have proved that some specific CLnAs can be converted into their corresponding CLAs, still very little is known of this underlying mechanism (Fig. 2). Our ultimate goal is to elucidate the conversional mechanism of CLnA into CLA by using multidisciplinary approaches. For this purpose, we focused on the conversion of α-ESA into c9,t11-CLA, which is a representative conversion of CLnA into CLA, and we found that this conversion is a NADPH-dependent enzymatic reaction occurring mostly in the rat liver18,33). For further research on this conversion, in this dissertation, firstly we aimed to elucidate conversional mechanism of α-ESA into c9,t11-CLA, especially identify the key enzyme α-ESA saturase responsible for this conversion. Secondly, we aimed to solubilize and purify of α-ESA saturase from liver, and this would enable us to study the properties and characteristics of α- ESA saturase. In addition, this dissertation might provide some inspirations for elucidating the conversion of other CLnA, such as PA and JA, into CLA. And it will also help fill the critical knowledge gap of the mechanism of CLnA convert into CLA.



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