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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「MetNetComp: Database for minimal and maximal gene-deletion strategies for growth-coupled production of genome-scale metabolic networks」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




MetNetComp: Database for minimal and maximal gene-deletion strategies for growth-coupled production of genome-scale metabolic networks

Tamura, Takeyuki 京都大学 DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2023.3317837



Growth-coupled production, in which cell growth forces the production of target metabolites, plays an essential role in the production of substances by microorganisms. The strains are first designed using computational simulation and then validated by biological experiments. In the simulations, gene-deletion strategies are often necessary because many metabolites are not produced in the natural state of the microorganisms. However, such information is not available for many metabolites owing to the requirement of heavy computation, especially when many gene deletions are required for genome-scale models. A database for such information will be helpful. However, developing such a database is not straightforward because heavy computation and the existence of replaceable genes render difficulty in efficient enumeration. In this study, the author developed efficient methods for enumerating minimal and maximal gene-deletion strategies and a web-based database system. MetNetComp provides information on 1) a total of 85, 611 gene-deletion strategies excluding apparent duplicate counting for replaceable genes for 1, 735 target metabolites, 11 constraint-based models, and 10 species; 2) necessary substrates and products in the process; and 3) reaction rates that can be used for visualization. MetNetComp is helpful for strain design and for new research paradigms using machine learning.



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Takeyuki Tamura (Member, IEEE) received the BE,

ME, and PhD degrees in informatics from Kyoto

University, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2006, respectively. He joined Bioinformatics Center, Institute for

Chemical Research, Kyoto University as a postdoctoral fellow in April 2006. He worked as an assistant

professor from December 2007 to September 2017

and started working as an associate professor from

October 2017. His research interests include mathematical metabolic engineering based on algorithm





