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A critical role of an oxygen-responsive gene for aerobic nitrogenase activity in Azotobacter vinelandii and its application to Escherichia coli

Takimoto, Ren Tatemichi, Yuki Aoki, Wataru Kosaka, Yuishin Minakuchi, Hiroyoshi Ueda, Mitsuyoshi Kuroda, Kouichi 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-08007-4



Since nitrogenase is irreversibly inactivated within a few minutes after exposure to oxygen, current studies on the heterologous expression of nitrogenase are limited to anaerobic conditions. This study comprehensively identified genes showing oxygen-concentration-dependent expression only under nitrogen-fixing conditions in Azotobacter vinelandii, an aerobic diazotroph. Among the identified genes, nafU, with an unknown function, was greatly upregulated under aerobic nitrogen-fixing conditions. Through replacement and overexpressing experiments, we suggested that nafU is involved in the maintenance of nitrogenase activity under aerobic nitrogenase activity. Furthermore, heterologous expression of nafU in nitrogenase-producing Escherichia coli increased nitrogenase activity under aerobic conditions by 9.7 times. Further analysis of NafU protein strongly suggested its localization in the inner membrane and raised the possibility that this protein may lower the oxygen concentration inside the cells. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms for maintaining stable nitrogenase activity under aerobic conditions in A. vinelandii and provide a platform to advance the use of nitrogenase under aerobic conditions.



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This work was financially supported by Kikkoman Corporation and JST, COI-NEXT (grant number JPMJPF2008), Japan.

Author contributions

K.K. conceived the project, and R.T. and K.K. designed the experiments. Y.T. conducted the experiments using

nitrogenase-producing Escherichia coli. R.T. conducted all other experiments. W.A. supported the operation of

the LC–MS system and data acquisition. Y.K. provided instructions regarding the preparation of protein digests

and assisted with the related experiments. H.M. prepared the long monolithic column. R.T. and K.K. interpreted

the results. K.K. and M.U. supervised the project. R.T. and K.K. wrote the manuscript in consultation with M.U.

Competing interests Kyoto Monotech provided a monolithic column and supports H.M. in the form of salaries. R.T., Y. T., W. A., Y.

K., M. U., and K. K. all declare no conflict of interest.

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