
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「The role of H3K27 demethylation in retinal development」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




The role of H3K27 demethylation in retinal development

ウムトニ, デイジー 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002006196



氏名 ウムトニ デイジー
The H3K27me3 modification is erased by two similar members of the lysine demethylase
family namely. Ubiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat, X chromosome (UTX)
and Jumonji domain- containing 3 (JMJD3). H3K27 demethylases are known to activate
gene expression by removing the repressive H3K27me3 mark from chromatin which
leads to an open chromatin conformation allowing transcription factors to have access to
genes. Through positively regulating gene expression, H3K27 demethylases have been
found to have various roles including in development. In this study, Ms. Daisy aimed at
examining the role of Utx in the development of the mouse retina and her results were
as follows:
1. By co-immunostaining the proliferation marker Ki67 and Utx marker; Ms. Daisy
found that Utx was expressed in the neuroblastic layer (containing retinal
progenitor cells and differentiating neurons) and the ganglion cell layer in early
retinal developmental stages. As development progressed, Utx was expressed in
post-mitotic cells of the inner neuroblastic layer and in the mature retina it was
expressed in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers.
2. On RT-qPCR, Utx was stably expressed from developmental to adult stages. This
is unlike its counterpart Jmjd3 which was shown in another study to be expressed
highly in mid postnatal development but was expressed less in early
developmental and adult stages.
3. Loss of function experiments in vitro and in vivo showed a significant decrease
in the number of PKCα-expressing rod bipolar cells as well as a reduction in pan
bipolar cell number.
4. Other bipolar subtypes which are cone ON and cone OFF bipolar cells were not
affected by the loss of Utx. Also, other retinal cell types were not affected by the
loss of Utx.

5. Staining Utx conditional knockout (Utx cKO) retinae with the Ki67 and active
caspase-3 markers of proliferation and apoptosis respectively, did not show any
difference from wild type retinae.
Ms. Daisy therefore revealed that Utx is expressed stably at all mouse retinal stages
unlike Jmjd3. Also, that Utx is important in the differentiation of rod bipolar cells of the
mouse retina which has not been studied before. As Utx did not decrease proliferation of
retinal progenitor cells it may be involved in terminal differentiation or maturation of
rod bipolar cells.
This information provides a foundation for examining the molecular mechanisms of
Utx in regulating rod bipolar cell differentiation in future. In another study done by
members of her lab, Jmjd3 was also found to regulate differentiation of bipolar cells by
derepressing bipolar specific genes through H3K27 demethylation. It is important to find
out whether the phenotype of Utx was caused by H3K27 demethylase-dependent
mechanisms as was the case of Jmjd3 or demethylase- independent mechanisms. In
addition, there is a plan to examine the functional interactions of Utx and Jmjd3 in
regulating rod bipolar cell development using conditional Utx/Jmjd3 double knockout




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Figure 1. The basic structure of the mammalian retina:

Left: A vertical section of mouse retina showing labelling of the major neuronal cell types.

Immunostaining for cone photoreceptors (anti-cone arrestin, blue), horizontal cells (anticalbindin, pink), bipolar cell terminals (anti-synaptotagmin2 and anti-PKC, red),

amacrine cells (anti-calretinin, purple), and ganglion cells (SMI-32, white).Right: A

schematic showing the layers of the mouse retina corresponding to the left side image.

PKC = Protein Kinase C, SMI-32 = anti hypo-phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain,

ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, GCL = ganglion cell layer, OPL =

outer plexiform layer, IPL = inner plexiform layer, HC = horizontal cell, BC = bipolar

cell, AC = amacrine cell, RGC = retinal ganglion cell. (adapted from reference 2)


Figure 2. Development timeline of the retina:

Top: a depiction of the progressively changing competence of progenitor cells as they

divide to form daughter progenitor cells, neurons or asymmetrically forming both

progenitor and neuronal cells. Bottom: The overlapping time points at which different

cell types of the retina are generated (adapted from reference 6).


Figure 3. Basic helix-loop-helix and homeodomain core transcription factors

regulate generation of retinal cell types:

Vsx2 is expressed in the common progenitor pool preventing differentiation by

repressing Atoh7, Ptf1a and Vsx1. As development progresses Vsx2 expression in most

RPCs ceases allowing formation of the different cell types. The remainder of the Vsx2expressing RPCs generate a subset of BCs and MG . RPC=Retinal progenitor cell, BC =

Bipolar cell, GC = Ganglion cell, PR = Photoreceptor cell, HC = Horizontal cell, AC =

amacrine cell (adapted from reference 10)


Figure 4. Histone modification crosstalk

Histone modifications on adjacent or distant sites interact in order to fine tune their effects

on chromatin. Arrow ends indicate positive interactions while flat ends indicate negative

interactions (adapted from reference 19).


Figure 5. Histone methylation patterns at mammalian genes

H3K4me3 commonly occupies the promoters of active genes whilst H3K36me3 occupies

their gene bodies. At inactive genes H3K27me3 is the major player occupying their gene

bodies and flanking regions. H3K9me3 and H4K20me3 also occupy inactive genes but

to a lesser extent (adapted from reference 22).



Figure 6. Utx expression pattern in the mouse retina

A: In prenatal stages of development (E14-E16) Utx is expressed in RPCs (Ki67 positive)

of the NBL and in the GCL. Perinatally Utx is highly expressed in postmitotic cells in the

INBL and GCL (E18-P3). B: In mature retina (P14) Utx is expressed in the INL and GCL

and co-stains with markers of all cells in these layers. C: Utx mRNA expression in the

retina is stable from developmental to mature stage on RT-qPCR. D: The expression of

Jmjd3 in the mature retina (P14) is very low both in the INL and GCL; there is no

expression in the ONL. E: RNA sequencing also showed that Utx is stably expressed

while Jmjd3 expression peaks at mid postnatal stages and is low before and after that

(accession number GSE71462). (NBL= neuroblastic layer, ONBL/INBL= outer/inner

neuroblastic layer respectively, GCL= ganglion cell layer). FPKM = Fragments Per

Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads. Scale bar =25 µm (A&B), 30 µm.


Figure 7. Utx expression was efficiently knocked down using two different shRNAs

Utx expression decreased after knockdown with two different shRNA (D-I) in

comparison to control (A-C). shRNAs or pU6 empty vector were transfected together

with an EGFP-expressing plasmid in P1 retinae which were then cultured for 3days as

explants. Utx expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry. EGFP and Utx double

positive cells were counted over 440µm long sections. The average number of cells from

three independent experiments is shown. ** p-value <0 .01, p-value > 0.05 = not

significant (ns) by ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test. Scale bar 25µm.


Figure 8. Rod bipolar cell number is reduced by knockdown of Utx.

Knockdown of Utx using the two shRNAs reduced PKC-expressing rod bipolar cells

(PKC). A control vector (A-C) or shRNA(D-I) was transfected together with an EGFPexpressing plasmid at P1 then retinae were cultured for 12 days as explants. The

percentage of EGFP+PKC+ cells in the INL was obtained from at least three independent

experiments, ** p-value <0 .01 by ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test.

ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL= inner nuclear layer, GCL= ganglion cell layer, PKCα

(Protein kinase C alpha). Scale bar = 25µm


Figure 9. Overall bipolar cell number slightly decreased after knockdown of Utx

Overall bipolar cell number decreased slightly after transfection with shUtx . A control

vector (A-C) or shRNA(D-I) was transfected together with an EGFP-expressing plasmid

at P1 then, explants were cultured for 12 days. The percentage of EGFP+Chx10+ cells in

the INL was obtained from at least three independent experiments. p-value > 0.05 by

ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test. ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL= inner

nuclear layer, GCL= ganglion cell layer, Chx10 (pan bipolar cell marker). Scale bar =




Figure 10. Other bipolar cell subtypes were not affected by knocking down Utx:

A: Cone OFF bipolar subtype number was not significantly affected by knock down of

Utx . The U6 promoter (control) or shRNA targeting Utx was transfected together with

an EGFP-expressing plasmid at P2 then, explants were cultured for 11 days. B: Cone ON

bipolar cells represented by weak Isl1 signals (arrow heads) were not significantly

changed by knockdown of Utx while rod ON bipolar cells represented by strong Isl1

signals (full arrows) were significantly reduced as expected. C & D : Counting results

showed no significant difference in cone OFF bipolar and cone ON bipolar cell subtypes.

Counting was done over 438µm long images; cells from two images were counted for

each marker and the percentage of EGFP+marker+ cells in the INL was obtained from

three independent experiments. *p-value < 0.05, **< 0.01 by ANOVA followed by posthoc Tukey’s HSD test. ns = not significant ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL= inner nuclear

layer, GCL= ganglion cell layer, Recoverin = cone OFF bipolar subtype marker, Isl1 =

cone ON and rod ON bipolar subtype marker. Scale bar = 25µm



Figure 11. Knockdown of Utx does not affect the differentiation of other retinal

cell types

Immunohistochemical analysis of other cell types revealed no difference in cell number

after knockdown of Utx. P1 retina were electroporated with shRNA targeting Utx along

with an EGFP expressing plasmid then cultured for 12 days. A: amacrine cells stained by

transcription factor AP-2; alpha (Tfap2a), horizontal cells stained by calbindin, Müller

glia stained by glutamine synthetase (GS) and rod photoreceptors stained by PNR also

known as nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3 (Nr2e3). B: Counting results

over 438µm long images; cells from two images were counted for each marker and the

average number from three independent experiments, calculated. The thickness of the

outer nuclear layer reflecting photoreceptor number was measured in the left, mid and

right thirds of the outer nuclear layer and the lengths, averaged. Two images were

measured in Utx knockdown and control retina. p-value> 0.05 = not significant(ns) by

Student t test. Scale bar = 12µm




Figure 12. Utx overexpression rescues rod bipolar cells in shUtx transfected retina:

A: Utx knockdown at P0 also leads to loss of PKC+ cells. B: Utx over expression on its

own did not affect rod bipolar cell structure or significantly alter the PKC+ cell number.

C: Overexpression of Utx after its knockdown rescued PKC+ cell number. D: The

percentage of EGFP+PKC+ cells and the average number of PKC+ cells in the INL were

obtained from three independent experiments. E: In the same explants, Utx expression in

the INL was reduced by shUtx. F: Utx was successfully overexpressed in Utx-transfected

retina with stronger signals in the ONL than in the INL; only some EGFP+ cells in the

INL overexpressed Utx. P0 or P2 (Overexpression of Utx alone) retinae were transfected

with shUtx or the U6 promoter as control(A), a Utx over expression vector or U6

promoter as control (B), shUtx or shUtx and Utx overexpression vector (C) along with

the EGFP plasmid before they were cultured as explants for 12 days. Scale bar = 18µm

(A,C,E,F), 25µm(B). **p< 0.01,*p< 0.05, ns= not significant. ONL = outer nuclear layer,

INL= inner nuclear layer, GCL= ganglion cell layer, PKC α (Protein kinase C alpha).



Figure 13. Generation of Utx conditional knockout mice

A: Top- deletion of exon 11&12 that encodes Utx including the region of the JmjC

domain. Heterozygous Utx-floxed and Dkk3-cre expressing male mice (a gift from Prof.

Honda) were crossed with homozygous Utx floxed female mice to give Utx conditional

knockout (Utx cKO) female mice. The exons containing the TRP domain are shown in

yellow, and the exons containing JmjC domain are shown in red. Bottom- schematic of

the Utx (Kdm6a) gene showing the tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR) and the catalytic

Jumonji C (JmjC) domain (adopted from reference 34) B: Utx transcript level was

depleted in Utx cKO retinae. Total RNA extracted from cKO and WT retinae was

quantified by RT-qPCR and cq values used to calculate relative expression levels. C: Leftimmuno-staining for H3K27me3 showed increase of H3K27me3 in the INL and GCL

after knocking out Utx (In-figure A & B). Right- H3K27me3 grey value was measured

over 200µm (GCL), 100µm (INL), 50µm (ONL) of WT and cKO images. The ratio of

the Utx cKO average grey to that of WT is shown. ONL = outer nuclear layer, INL=

inner nuclear layer, GCL= ganglion cell layer, CKO = conditional knockout, WT = wild

type. Scale bar = 25µm



Figure 14. Rod bipolar cells decrease when Utx is knocked out

A: Rod bipolar cells were decreased by Utx cKO compared to WT in developing and

adult retina at P10, P14, P24 and P40 stages. C: Overall bipolar cell number decreased

with varying significance at different stages. B & D: Counting data corresponding to the

images in A & B; PKCα was consistently decreased by Utx cKO while Chx10 expression

also decreased to different extents. Two 438µm wide images were counted for both

markers in WT and Utx cKO retinae. The average number of cells in three independent

experiments is shown. *p<0.05, **p<0.01 by student t test, ns = not significant. ONL =

outer nuclear layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, INL= inner nuclear layer, GCL= ganglion

cell layer, CKO = conditional knockout, WT = wild type, PKC α = rod bipolar cell marker,

Chx10 pan bipolar cell marker. Scale bar = 25µm



Figure 15. Other bipolar subtypes were not affected by loss of Utx:

A: Cone ON bipolar cell number was not significantly different between WT and Utx

cKO at P14.The arrow head shows weakly Isl1+Pax6- cells which represent cone ON

bipolar cells and their number was the same after Utx cKO, while the full arrow shows

strongly Isl1+Pax6- cells in the outer most part of the inner nuclear layer that represent

rod ON bipolar cells and were significantly decreased as expected. B: Graphical

representation shows a significant decrease in rod ON bipolar cells (left side) and no

significant change in cone ON bipolar cells after cKO of Utx. C: Cone OFF bipolar cell

number was not affected by knockout of Utx. D: The average number of cone OFF bipolar

cells shown in C was not different between WT and Utx cKO retinae. Counting was done

over 438µm long images; cells from two images were counted for each marker and the

average number from three independent experiments, calculated cells. *p<0.05 by student

t test. Isl1 (cone ON and rod ON bipolar cell marker), Pax6 (pan amacrine cell marker),

Recoverin (cone OFF bipolar cell marker ), Bhlhb5 (cone OFF bipolar cell marker). CKO

= conditional knockout, WT = wild type Scale bar = 25 µm


Fig.16 Amacrine cell number was not affected by knockout of Utx:

The number of amacrine cells did not change in Utx cKO compared to WT . Retinae were

harvested at postnatal day 3 (P3),cryo-sectioned and stained with the indicated marker .

NBL= neuroblastic layer ,GCL= Ganglion cell layer, Transcription factor ap2a (Tfap2a)

= pan-amacrines cell marker . Scale bar = 25µm.


Fig17. Proliferation and apoptosis were not affected by knockout of Utx:

The number of proliferating cells at P3 did not change after knockout of Utx . Apoptosis

also seemed to not be very different between WT and Utx cKO retina. Retinae were

harvested at postnatal day 3 (P3),cryo-sectioned and stained with the indicated markers .

NBL= neuro-blastic layer ,GCL= Ganglion cell layer, Ki67= mitotic cell marker, AC3=

marker of apoptosis . Scale bar = 25µm.





