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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Energy resolution of CANDLES detector for studying neutrino-less double beta decay of 48Ca」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Energy resolution of CANDLES detector for studying neutrino-less double beta decay of 48Ca

Bui, Tuan Khai 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/77473



Neutrino-less double beta decay (0νββ) is a useful tool to determine the mass of neutrino. The CANDLES experiment is searching for the 0νββ of 48Ca using CaF2(pure) scintillator crystals as the detector and the source. Searching for 0νββ, the two-neutrino double beta decay (2νββ) is unavoidable background around Q-value of 48Ca. The difference of the energy spectrum is the only way to discriminate the 0νββ events from 2νββ events. Therefore, energy resolution must be improved. Scintillation photons are collected by the Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) surrounding the crystals. Ideally, the energy resolution should be equal to the statistical fluctuation of number of photoelectrons. The current energy resolution (2.6% r.m.s.) is bigger than the statistical fluctuation of number of photoelectrons (1.6% r.m.s.). The difference is studied in this thesis.

Due to a long decay constant of CaF2 (τ=1μsec), we make a signal integration of 4μsec to calculate the energy. A Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter records the waveform in each PMT. The baseline fluctuation is accumulated in the signal integration, and they make the energy resolution worse. In this thesis, a study of the baseline fluctuation in CANDLES III detector is reported. The baseline fluctuation can cause a severe effect (about 1% r.m.s.) at Q-value of 48Ca.

In order to reduce the baseline fluctuation, photon counting method is useful. However, because of the signal overlap, photoelectrons can be missed in counting, and the energy resolution becomes worse. To reduce the baseline fluctuation and avoid count loss of the photoelectrons, an alternative method named “partial photon counting” is introduced. Using this method, we obtain the improved energy resolutions 4.5-4.0% (r.m.s.) at 1460 keV (γ-ray of 40K), and 3.3-2.9% (r.m.s.) at 2614 keV (γ-ray of 208Tl). The energy resolution at Q-value is estimated to be improved to 2.2% by using “partial photon counting”. With the improved energy resolution, the sensitivity of CANDLES detector for the half-life of 0νββ of 48Ca can be improved by 1.09 times. Additionally, a chance to improve detector resolution by using CaF2(pure) at low temperature and photon counting is discussed. It is estimated to achieve the new world-best limit of effective neutrino mass of 27-118 meV.



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