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Study of Radiative Muon Capture for COMET Phase-I Experiment

Pieters, Dorian 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/92888




Study of Radiative Muon Capture for COMET PhaseI Experiment


Pieters, Dorian


大阪大学, 2023, 博士論文

Version Type VoR



Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University

Form 3

Abstract of Thesis



Study of Radiative Muon Capture for COMET Phase-I Exper
(COMET Phase-I実 験 に お け る 輻 射 ミ ュ ー 粒 子 捕 獲 反 応 の 研 究 )

Abstract of Thesis

The COMET Phase-I experiment will search for the coherent decay of a muonic atom into an electron. While in
the Standard Model, extended with neutrino oscillations, this process is strictly suppressed (O(10-54)), many
models beyond the Standard Model predict its possibility at an observable rate. This makes it a perfect probe
for the search for physics beyond the standard model. The experiment aims at a single-event sensitivity of
3.0 × 10−15 in a running time of 150 days, which is an improvement of a factor of 100 from the current limit
measured by the SINDRUM-II experiment. The experiment has been designed in such a way that other processes
not predicted by the standard model of physics, such as the transition of a negative muonic atom into a positron,
can also be studied. However, this decay can be shadowed by radiative muon capture-induced positrons. To
account for this, analysis procedure has been developed to be able to measure the endpoint of the radiative muon
capture photons by COMET Phase-I. The analysis is composed of four distinct steps: a hit filtering and track
finding algorithm based on the combination of a gradient-boosted decision tree and a circular Hough transform
algorithm; a track fitting algorithm based on Kalman filter technique; and a likelihood analysis to fit the
reconstructed photon spectrum. In parallel, the online trigger scheme for the COMET Phase-I main physics
measurement has been adapted for the measurement of radiative muon capture photons. A simulation of 1011
photons was performed to test the performance of the analysis procedure and the online trigger, as well as to gain
a better understanding of the different acceptance of the COMET Phase-I experiment to the radiative muon
capture process.
The online trigger specifically adjusted to the radiative muon capture process has shown that it can keep 90% of
the radiative muon capture events while rejecting 96% of the background-only events, which reduces the trigger
rate down to 4 kHz, a factor of 6 below the critical level for the DAQ of the COMET Phase-I experiment. This
analysis procedure has been tested on simulation data. As a result, over the course of 100 days of measurement,
the COMET Phase-I experiment will be able to reconstruct approximately 16k radiative muon capture events.
The study has shown that the endpoint spectrum of the radiative muon capture photon for an aluminum target
could be estimated with the precision of ±0.82 MeV which is an improvement of a factor of 2 over the previous
measurement performed in TRIUMF. Assuming that the endpoint of the radiative muon capture photon in
aluminum is 90.1 MeV as measured by the TRIUMF experiment, the improvement in the measurement of the
endpoint spectrum reduces the background contribution of radiative muon capture to μ− + N → e + + N’ ground
state transition by a factor of 10.

様式 7


PIETERS Dorian Gerard Daniel Olivier


主 査



副 査



副 査



副 査



副 査



本論文「Study of Radiative Muon Capture for COMET Phase-I Experiment」は、COMET Phase-I 実
子 の エ ネ ル ギ ー ス ペ ク ト ル な ら び に 、 エ ネ ル ギ ー ス ペ ク ト ル を Hwang-Primakoff Closure
Approximation Model にあてはめたときの特徴量となる光子エネルギー( k max )を精密に測定する手法
COMET Phase-I 実験は、荷電レプトンフレーバを破る反応の一つであるミュー粒子・電子転換過程を探索す
る実験である。COMET Phase-I 実験では、J-PARC ハドロンホールに建設中の革新的な大強度負電荷ミュー粒子
ないミュー粒子・電子転換反応によって放出される 105 MeV/ c の電子の運動量を、ミュー粒子静止標的を取り
CDC はミュー粒子標的を円筒に取り囲んでいるため、陽電子の測定も可能である。すなわち、ミュー粒子・
陽電子転換過程の測定を実施することができる。ミュー粒子・陽電子転換過程の測定では、RMC で放出される
ガンマ線がミュー粒子標的や CDC 内壁などの物質中で電子・陽電子対生成反応で生起する陽電子が深刻な背景
事象源となることがわかっている。この背景陽電子のエネルギーは、RMC で放出されるガンマ線のエネルギー

ースペクトルや k max の不定性が大きすぎるため、COMET Phase-I におけるミュー粒子・陽電子転換過
本論文では、RMC で発生するガンマ線のうち CDC 内壁で電子・陽電子のペアを生成するイベントに着目し、
これを積極的に活用してガンマ線のエネルギースペクトルや k max を測定する手法を開発した。高いノイズ環境
下で運転される CDC のヒットパターンから、ひとつのガンマ線を起源として同時に発生する電子信号と陽電子
的な影響を加味した理論スペクトルを当てはめることにより、従来の k max 測定精度を 2 倍以上改善できること
を示した。またこれにより、ミュー粒子・陽電子転換過程を測定する際に問題となる RMC 起源の予想背景事象
を 10 分の 1 に抑制できる可能性を見出した。
本論文は、COMET Phase-I の実験装置を再現した計算機シミュレーションを活用して実施された。実際の実



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0νββ neutrinoless double beta decay. 4, 5

µ− → e+ conversion muon to positron conversion. 5, 6, 9, 10, 89, 108–111, 116,

118, 122

µ− → e− conversion muon to electron conversion. 4, 5, 11–13, 18, 21, 33, 36, 39,

41, 43, 69, 83, 104, 113, 117, 118, 122

BSM Beyond the SM. 1

CDC Cylindrical Drift Chamber. 18

CHT Circular Hough Transform. 49, 57, 60, 62, 75, 78

cLFV charged Lepton Flavor Violation. 3

COMET COherent Muon to Electron Transition. 3, 26

COMET Phase-I COMET Phase-I. 122

CTH CyDet Trigger Hodoscope. 18, 20, 76

CyDet Cylindrical Detector System. 15

DAQ Data Acquisition. 39, 47

DIO Decay In Orbit. 12, 98, 101, 104, 122

GBDT Gradient Boosted Decision Tree. 43, 44, 57, 102, 118, 119, 121, 122, 126

GDR Giant Dipole Resonance. 6

GEANT4 GEometry And Tracking. 26, 27

GENFIT GENeric Track-Fitting Toolkit. 73, 76, 123

GS Ground state. 4–6

ICEDUST Integrated COMET Experiment Data User Software Toolkit. 26

J-PARC Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. 11, 13

MR Main Ring. 13


NDF Number of Degrees of Freedom. 81, 83, 84

POT proton-on-target. 33

RCS Rapid Cycling Synchroton. 13

RMC Radiative Muon Capture. 6, 7, 9, 10, 26–28, 41, 84, 89, 90, 95, 98, 102, 118

ROC Receiver Operator Characteristics. 45, 47, 56

RPC Radiative Pion Capture. 12, 13, 16, 96, 97

SES Single Event Sensitivity. 11, 104

SM Standard Model. 1





