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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Design Study of High-Intensity Compact High-Temperature Superconducting Skeleton (Ironless) Cyclotron (HTS-SC)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Design Study of High-Intensity Compact High-Temperature Superconducting Skeleton (Ironless) Cyclotron (HTS-SC)

Koay, Wen Hui 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/82008



In accordance with the increasing demand of a compact accelerator in medical ap- plications, a compact high-temperature superconducting skeleton cyclotron (HTS-SC) is proposed in this work, aiming to produce a high intensity H+ beam for a significant reduction in treatment time of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). The HTS-SC adopts an air-core structure to avoid any residual magnetization from the hysteresis loop of an iron yoke, further results in a higher reproducibility of magnetic field in a shorter time. This structure favors the usage in a hospital environment. Besides, the linear relationship between the coil current and the magnetic field strength also provides an easy calibration of the magnetic field. This facilitates any field modification to accelerate different species of ions for radioisotope (RI) production in a hospital environment.

The proposed design is a compact K-80 cyclotron with a challenging small extraction radius of 40 cm for a 50 MeV H+. It includes a series combination of circular high- temperature superconducting (HTS) coils, acting as the main coil and trim coils, as well as 3 sector coils with a maximum spiral angle of 40◦. Active-shielding using HTS coils is also adopted to provide an easier control of the background stray field. The isochronous property of the designed HTS-SC field is confirmed by various orbit analysis using a reference particle.

As a high-intensity beam is the key requirement of this machine, suppression of the space charge effect and minimization of beam overlaps have been the biggest challenge of this work. This is especially true at a central region with limited space and extraction with small beam turn-separation. Therefore, extensive beam dynamics study for multi- particle tracking is also performed using a particle-in-cell (PIC) code such as SNOP and OPAL in these regions for high-intensity beams. In the central region, a spiral inflector with k=1.6 is adopted. The emittance and injection energy are maximized in order to reduce the space charge effect. Overall, a satisfactory beam transmission of more than 20% is achieved for both low and high-intensity beams. On top of this, the transmitted particles can be accelerated smoothly without excessive beam loss until extraction. Electrostatic extraction is adopted in this work to prevent excessive particle loss due to Lorentz stripping in a high magnetic field for a negative ion such as H−. In order to increase the turn-separation, a pair of harmonic coils is used, with its amplitude carefully optimized for the maximum extraction efficiency. Two extraction mechanisms namely brute-force and precessional extractions are also compared. As a result, the precessional extraction appears to be a better option in producing beams with satisfactory beam intensity and quality. It is able to achieve a maximum extraction efficiency of almost 100% for a low-intensity beam and > 70% for an ideal 1 mA beam. If a higher energy gain per turn is allowed, a 1 mA beam could be extracted with an extraction efficiency of > 90%. A preliminary design of the extraction beamline using gradient correctors is also studied to ensure sufficient focusing along the extraction beamline. Finally, this work concludes the feasibility of a compact HTS-SC to accelerate high-intensity H+ beam for BNCT and RI production.



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