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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Understanding environmental influences on microchemistry and morphology of otoliths」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Understanding environmental influences on microchemistry and morphology of otoliths

Shengjian Jiang 東北大学



The rapidly changing environment of marine systems around the world has drawn attention from multiple perspectives, and the most concerned problems must include hypoxia and ocean acidification (OA). Fish otoliths have been long considered as a useful tool to study the living conditions of fish. Thus, this study mainly focused on microchemistry and morphology of otoliths to understand the correlation between fish and environmental problems they experienced.

To examine the current conditions of Tokyo Bay, marbled flounder captured from four locations inside and outside the Bay area were analyzed by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA ICPMS) on otolith chemistry. Results showed that [Mn/Ca]otolith was different among locations, especially at young age. Fish in age 0 suggested the highest [Mn/Ca]otolith occurred in the inner Bay area, then the mouth areas of the Bay, and the lowest value was measured outside of the Bay. This result perfectly matched the expectation of hypoxic conditions in Tokyo Bay areas. In addition, a seasonal trend of increasing in [Mn/Ca]otolith from opaque zones to translucent zones in otoliths also supported the summer-occurring hypoxia in Tokyo Bay, since translucent zones are usually formed under high temperature. No significant difference was found in other elements, possibly indicating that other factors, such as temperature and salinity, were not much different among the Tokyo Bay areas.

Because the mechanism of the elevated [Mn/Ca]otolith under hypoxia remained unclear, and one explanation was the elevated [Mn/Ca]water caused by redox of Mn under hypoxia, we examined the correlation of Mn concentrations between water and otoliths. Juvenile marbled flounder were reared under constant Mn concentrations for two months, and chemistry of both water and otoliths were analyzed by ICPMS. Significant difference could be found between control and the chemical treatments, but no correlation was found between [Mn/Ca]otolith and [Mn/Ca]water. In addition, water sample collected from Tokyo Bay had a similar level of [Mn/Ca]water as the control at laboratory, but [Mn/Ca]otolith of Tokyo Bay was much higher than any treatment. An incremental Mn experiment was conducted with weekly increasing Mn concentrations for 11 weeks, and the result also suggested [Mn/Ca]otolith was not positively connected to [Mn/Ca]water. No positive correlation was found in olive flounder either. Based on these results, the increase in [Mn/Ca]otolith found under hypoxia seemed not be solely caused by water Mn, and the mechanism needs further examinations.

The impacts of OA on otolith morphology were studied too. Juvenile marbled flounder were reared under three pH groups: control pH 7.8, Group pH 7.5, and Group pH 6.8 for two months. Photos of the whole otoliths were taken, and analyzed by ImageJ on area, perimeter, solidity, length, width, and thickness. Area and thickness showed to be increasing as pH declined, and solidity revealed to be smoother under elevated H+. Significant difference found between control and treatments in area, thickness, and solidity suggested the possibility of using these measurements to study OA.

Our results found difference in [Mn/Ca]otolith among different locations around Tokyo Bay, potentially indicating the more severe hypoxic conditions of the Bay than the outside. However, the mechanism of hypoxia causing [Mn/Ca]otolith to increase seemed not to be water Mn. In addition, larger sized otoliths were formed under elevated H+, together with a smoother surface which could be examined through solidity.



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