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Study on Genetic Diversity of Leafy Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) in Vietnam

グェン, ドゥク チン NGUYEN, DUC CHINH 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/00160363



Climate change and high levels of pesticide residues on agricultural products are currently considered serious issues for agricultural production in Vietnam. The development of new crop cultivars with a high resistance and tolerance to abiotic stress and disease is one method that can be used to effectively address these issues. Species in the genus Amaranthus are considered promising crops for the 21st century owing to their excellent nutritional value, high adaptability to severe conditions, and lack of major diseases. Leafy amaranths, particularly A. tricolor, are a rich and inexpensive source of protein, carotenoids, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a wide range of minerals. However, A. tricolor has not been subjected to systematic breeding in Vietnam. Therefore, in this study, amaranth genetic resources in Vietnam were classified and assessed using molecular markers (barcoding and SSR markers) and morphological traits. All of the information obtained in this study will provide a basis for effectively utilizing and conserving these resources, as well as improving leafy amaranths in the future.

Alignment of the matK gene sequences from 272 VA, 27 WA, and 45 GRIN amaranth accessions gave a total length of 434 bp per accession, which included 96.8% constant, 3.2% variable, and 2.5% parsimoniously informative sites. The phylogenetic dendrogram was able to classify 7 of the 13 Amaranthus species analyzed in this study, including 3 leafy amaranths (A. tricolor, A. blitum, and A. viridis), 3 weed amaranths (A. spinosus, A. retroflexus, and A. powellii), and A. dubius (a relative of the grain amaranths). The phylogenetic analysis determined the species for 68% of the VA accessions, 120 of which were assigned to A. tricolor with high bootstrap support (85%), while a further 41 were assigned to A. dubius, 18 to A. blitum, and 6 to A. viridis. Thus, A. tricolor accounted for the highest proportion of accessions (44%) in the VA collection. However, matK alone could not clarify the relationship among the three grain amaranths (A. hypochondriacus, A. caudatus, and A. cruentus) and their putative ancestors (A. hybridus and A. quitensis). The 21 SSR markers that were developed in the present study allowed the overall genetic diversity of the VA and WA collections of A. tricolor and the genetic relationships among the geographic groups to be evaluated. These markers successfully amplified 153 alleles, with a mean allelic richness of 7.29 per marker and mean values of 0.14 for Ho,0.38 for He, and 0.35 for PIC.

There were significant differences between the VA collection and all of the overseas groups except the African collection. However, while the VA collection was found to be divergent from the South Asian and American collections, it was relatively closely genetically related to the East Asian collection and commercial cultivars. Furthermore, it was genetically closer to the East Asian accessions than the Southeast Asian accessions. This may be related to the dispersal events of amaranths from East Asia (China) to Vietnam during the migrations of the ancestors of most of today’s Vietnamese ethnic groups from south of the Yangtze River of China and the introduction of this crop during the long period of Chinese domination in Vietnam from 111 BC to 938 AD.

The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that the accessions could be grouped into two or four subpopulations. At K = 4, subgroup 1 mostly included accessions from East Asia and Vietnam, and contained 90.7% of all of the East Asian accessions and 88.9% of all of the commercial cultivars; subgroup 2 mostly included accessions from Vietnam; subgroup 3 mostly included accessions from South Asia; and subgroup 4 included 60% of the accessions from America. These results suggest that there is a relationship between the amaranth accessions and their origins among the VA collection and most of the overseas groups owing to the low level of genetic exchange of A. tricolor among these geographical areas. There was also a significant but small amount of variation among the geographical groups in Vietnam. However, there was no relationship between geographical distance and genetic diversity, indicating a high level of genetic exchange among the VA A. tricolor accessions.

The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that the VA collection of A. tricolor could be divided into two major types: a common type in East Asia and a unique type in Vietnam. Thus, it appears that the genetic diversity of Vietnamese A. tricolor was established by dispersal events mainly from East Asia and adaptation to the local environments through on-site cross pollination, as well as the retention of cross-pollinated seeds for the next season without any artificial selection. The morphological analysis indicated that A. tricolor accessions in the VA collection exhibited phenotypic traits. The common-type accessions had green leaves, stems or stripes on the stems, and inflorescences; an absence of betalain coloration on the petioles; and determinate inflorescences. By contrast, the majority of the unique-type accessions had purple leaves and petioles, stems or stripes on the stems, and inflorescences; and indeterminate inflorescences. In addition, while most of the VA accessions exhibited medium or strong resistance to disease and half were resistant to insects, eight accessions were strongly resistant to both of these, most of which belonged to the unique type.

In conclusion, the genetic diversity of amaranth germplasm resources in Vietnam were successfully identified and evaluated based on their genotypic and phenotypic traits, which may be useful for effectively managing and exploiting the genetic resources in gene banks and for genetically improving amaranths in the future.



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