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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov Equations of the Quantum Toroidal gl1 Algebra and Its Quasi-Hopf Twisting」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov Equations of the Quantum Toroidal gl1 Algebra and Its Quasi-Hopf Twisting




In this thesis, we derive the MacMahon Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov (KZ) equations of quantum toroidal 𝔤𝔩1 algebra 𝑈𝑞1,𝑞2 (𝔤𝔩1) and then solve the equations. Subsequently, motivated by the AGT correspondence, we show how to interpret the solution of the MacMahon KZ equations as a generalization of Nekrasov factor, which is a fundamental quantity in five-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory. These MacMahon KZ equations and the generalized Nekrasov factor are believed to be related to various objects in quantum field and string theory.

After that, we proceed to investigate the quasi-Hopf twist of quantum toroidal 𝔤𝔩1 algebra 𝑈𝑞1,𝑞2,𝑝(𝔤𝔩1) . We uncover the hidden relation between the quasi-Hopf twisted $ R $-matrix and the elliptic Nekrasov factor, which is considered as a fundamental building block of six-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory. Then,

we derive KZ equations of 𝑈𝑞1,𝑞2,𝑝(𝔤𝔩1) corresponding to the Fock representation, and show that the solution of the KZ equation can be written in terms of the product of elliptic Nekrasov factors.


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