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Equalization schemes for distortion caused in propagation medium (本文)

Sohail, Ahsan 慶應義塾大学



Wireless communication is by far the swiftly developing area of the communication engineering industry. Signal propagation in wireless communication largely depends on the characteristics of propagation medium and propagation environments. In electrical magnetic wave propagation, the received signal attenuates due to absorption by interfering objects when it passes through obstacles like glass, wood, concrete and metal surfaces. On the other hand, in molecular communications (MCs) the characteristics of a diffusion channel play an important role in propagating the data molecules. Some of these molecules hit the receiver while few remain in the medium which may reach later or lost. Inter-symbol interference (ISI) is a major problem that is caused by diffusion. The objective of this thesis is to study the effect of materials on signal propagation in radio communication as well as in MC and proposes solutions for suppressing distortions caused in the propagation medium and the propagation environments.

The chapter one introduces the visualization of wireless communication systems and technical issues related to it including radio communication (RF) and MC. Different types and potential application areas of wireless communications are explained. The characteristics of a channel and issues faced in radio and MC environment are explained. In the preceding sections the types of equalizers have been discussed. The research motivation, research objectives and contribution of this thesis is discussed at the end of this chapter.

The chapter two introduces indoor propagation of wireless local area network (WLAN) across different materials. The first section introduces the WLAN while WLAN standards are discussed in the second section. Understanding of propagation radio signals is necessary for coming up with appropriate design, deployment, and management strategies for wireless local area networks. For that reason, the effect of materials on WLAN has been discussed in the fourth section. In the preceding sections the performance of Wi-Fi signal strength between practical measurements and theoretical model are analysed.

The chapter three introduces the implementation of frequency domain equalization at the receiver side in the MC systems. The first section introduces the inter symbol interference (ISI) cancelation. The second section introduces the types of MC receiver. The third section illustrates the system design while fourth discusses the proposed technique. At the end the simulation results are presented with the discussion over them.

The chapter four introduces frequency domain precoding at the transmitter side of MC system. The second section describes the RC equivalent circuit of MC transmitter while third section illustrates the zero-forcing precoding. The implementation of threshold and approximation of equalized signal have been discussed in section four. In the preceding sections the performance of approximated signal with the conventional approach are analysed.

The chapter five summarizes the results of each chapter and presents an overall conclusion of this dissertation.



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