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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「厳密な励起状態計算のための基礎研究; 全電子混合基底法におけるスピン軌道相互作用&準粒子理論におけるWard恒等式による規格化」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




厳密な励起状態計算のための基礎研究; 全電子混合基底法におけるスピン軌道相互作用&準粒子理論におけるWard恒等式による規格化

中嶋 武 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00014614



At the beginning of the 20th century, quantum mechanics was established and it became possible to make theoretical predictions on various properties of materials. Many theoretical approaches have appeared in order to study physical phenomena. As one of them, the first-principles calculation is the great one which gives the good agreement with various experimental results. This method also has the great advantage that it is applicable to any target calculation compared with other approaches, because the least number of parameters are just needed in its calculation. It is, however, well known that first-principles calculation become more cumbersome with the size of target system. For this reason, it is long-standing subject in first-principles approach to introduce the approximations with reducing the computational cost and still preserving their physical features. This doctoral thesis includes the two studies based on the first-principles calculation, and I tried to introduce new calculation method and theory to solve the above problem in those studies.

Generally, the one-particle effective Schrödinger equation is taken as first-principles in quantum mechanics, and there are several calculation methods relying on the oneparticle picture; especially, this doctoral thesis is based on density functional theory (DFT) and many-body Green’s function which are famous theories[3–8]. DFT is developed by P. Hohenberg, W. Kohn, and L. J. Sham mainly, and their calculation results are widely applied for much more sophisticated calculations including the Green’s function approach (W. Kohn was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998 for developing DFT). These theories have been applied to calculate several physical phenomena such as stable structures, excitation energies, transition matrices related to photo absorptions, direct and inverse photoemission, etc.

Photoemission, inverse photoemission, and photo absorption in optical experiments are useful to obtain information on electronic states of materials (see Fig. 1.1)[9]. In a direct photoemission experiment, the final state on the material has one hole which was originally occupied by a photoelectron. Since the energy and momentum conservation laws are satisfied in the direct photoemission process among the photoelectron, the photoelectron gives the excitation energy and the energy level information of occupied states. On the other hand, in a similar way, inverse photoemission gives the excitation energy and the energy level information of unoccupied (which is called empty) states. (Notice that photoabsorption is a little different from direct and inverse photoemission, and a more complicated process appears because the excited electrons stay in the material interacting with the holes created in that process.) A hole state created in direct photoemission process is affected by surrounding electrons, so its behavior is different from a bare hole. Therefore, the hole affected by other electrons around the hole is called quasi-hole (see Fig. 1.2). For similar reason, an electron created in inverse photoemission process does not exist as a bare electron in the material, but is affected by surrounding electrons. This electron affected by the surrounding electrons is called quasi-electron (see Fig. 1.2). In this doctoral thesis, I call both quasi-hole and quasi-electron as quasiparticle (QP) for simplicity[10–12]. This QP obeys the one-particle effective Schrödinger equation, which is called the Dyson equation for QP or the QP equation. The QP equation is cumbersome and is difficult to solve without approximations, which means this method needs expensive computational cost in the original procedure. So, the development of good approximations and methods is important to improve discrepancies with experimental spectra and calculated ones. In my first study, I developed a new precise method to calculate the spin-orbit coupling with Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT framework, as published in Annalen der Physik, 531. 9 (2019): 1900060. [1] (see section 1.1 and details are given in chapter 3), and in the second one, I elucidated the validity to normalize quasiparticle wave functions (QPWFs) in QP theory, showed that the Dyson equation can be hermitized under Baym-Kadanoff’s conservation law, and gave the interpretation of the extended KS equation, as published in Physical Review B. 104. 20 (2021): L201116. [2] (see section 1.2 and details are given in chapter 4).


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