
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「〈Research Note〉⻑期保存を目的とした放線菌のコメ固体培養」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




〈Research Note〉⻑期保存を目的とした放線菌のコメ固体培養

江邉 正平 坂﨑 柾寿 大池 達矢 岡南 政宏 阿野 貴司 近畿大学



[要旨]グラム陽性細菌である放線菌は様々な二次代謝産物を産生している。これまでに放線菌から多くの有用化合物が発見され、現在も放線菌からの新規天然化合物のスクリーニングが行われている。しかしながら放線菌の抗生物質の生産能力は植え継ぎを繰り返すことで著しく低下することが知られている。そのため単離した放線菌株の二次代謝産物の生産能を維持したまま保存するための簡便な方法が求められる。そこで我々はコメを用いた固体培養により作られる麴を参考に、放線菌もコメを用いて固体培養することにより菌株の形質を維持したまま保存可能なコメ培養物を作ることができるのではないかと考えた。本研究では安価なくず米(非主食用米)を用いて放線菌培養物を作製し、3 カ月間の期間にわたって抗生物質生産能が維持できているかを抗真菌活性試験により簡易的に評価した。吸水させたくず米をオートクレーブ処理することにより作製したくず米培地に抗真菌活性物質を生産する研究室保有の放線菌12 株を各々植菌し培養を試みた。その結果、全ての放線菌株においてくず米表面での増殖が認められた。また培養3 カ月後のくず米培養物を取り出し寒天培地に植菌したところ、全ての放線菌株がくず米培養物の周囲でコロニーを形成した。そして植物病原性真菌との対峙試験を行ったところ、くず米培養物から増殖した放線菌株は植物病原性真菌に対して抗菌活性を示した。以上の結果から放線菌くず米培養物を作製することが放線菌の形質を維持したまま⻑期保存する方法として有効であることが示唆された。[Abstract]Actinomycetes, Gram-positive bacteria, produce a variety of secondary metabolites, including antibiotics. Many beneficial compounds in our life have been discovered from actinomycetes so far and many researchers attempt to isolate new natural compounds. However, it has been known that an antibiotic-producing ability of the actinomycetes is reduced by repeated passages onto fresh growth medium. Thus, it is necessary to establish an alternative method for a long-term storage of the actinomycetes with high antibiotic-producing ability. We focused on a koji-making process which is performed by solid state fermentation using steamed rice with Aspergillus oryzae (koji culture) and tried to make the cultured rice medium with actinomycetes to maintain the antibiotic-producing ability during the storage period. In this study, we performed the rice culture of actinomycetes using low-grade rice and evaluated the usefulness of the culture method for maintaining the antibiotic-producing ability. The rice culture medium was prepared by autoclave of a beaker containing water-soaked rice. Each of twelve actinomycete strains with an antibiotic-producing ability was inoculated and cultured in the rice culture medium. As the result of cultivation, it was observed that all actinomycete strains could grow on the surface of rice grains in the beakers. After three months of cultivation, a piece of the cultured rice media of actinomycetes was retrieved from the beaker and was used for an antifungal activity test on an agar plate. All actinomycetes formed colonies on agar plates and showed antifungal activities against a plant pathogenic fungus. These results suggest that the method of koji culture of actinomycetes is effective in maintaining the antibiotic-producing ability.



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Koji culture of actinomycetes for long-term storage

Shohei Ebe1,

Masatoshi Sakazaki1,2,

Tatsuya Ohike1,

Masahiro Okanami1,2


Takashi Ano1,2

Actinomycetes, Gram-positive bacteria, produce a variety of secondary metabolites, including antibiotics. Many

beneficial compounds in our life have been discovered from actinomycetes so far and many researchers attempt to

isolate new natural compounds. However, it has been known that an antibiotic-producing ability of the actinomycetes

is reduced by repeated passages onto fresh growth medium. Thus, it is necessary to establish an alternative method

for a long-term storage of the actinomycetes with high antibiotic-producing ability. We focused on a koji-making

process which is performed by solid state fermentation using steamed rice with Aspergillus oryzae (koji culture) and

tried to make the cultured rice medium with actinomycetes to maintain the antibiotic-producing ability during the

storage period. In this study, we performed the rice culture of actinomycetes using low-grade rice and evaluated the

usefulness of the culture method for maintaining the antibiotic-producing ability. The rice culture medium was

prepared by autoclave of a beaker containing water-soaked rice. Each of twelve actinomycete strains with an

antibiotic-producing ability was inoculated and cultured in the rice culture medium. As the result of cultivation, it

was observed that all actinomycete strains could grow on the surface of rice grains in the beakers. After three months

of cultivation, a piece of the cultured rice media of actinomycetes was retrieved from the beaker and was used for an

antifungal activity test on an agar plate. All actinomycetes formed colonies on agar plates and showed antifungal

activities against a plant pathogenic fungus. These results suggest that the method of koji culture of actinomycetes is

effective in maintaining the antibiotic-producing ability.

Key words : Actinomycete, solid state fermentation, antibiotic-producing ability, koji culture

Received 30 July 2020, Accepted 22 October 2020.

1. Department of Biotechnological Science, Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai University, Wakayama 649-6493, Japan

2. Major in Biotechnological Science, Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai University, Wakayama 649-6493





