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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Role of clustered protocadherin-γ in PV-positive neurons for the formation of cortical neuronal circuit」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Role of clustered protocadherin-γ in PV-positive neurons for the formation of cortical neuronal circuit

河村, 菜々実 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/88177



In the cortex, functional neural circuits are formed by specific neural connections between many types of inhibitory and excitatory neurons. However, the molecular mechanisms for the recognition of synaptic partners have remained unclear. I focused on clustered protocadherin (cPcdh) which is a diversified membrane adhesion molecule as a candidate for the recognition molecules between neurons. cPcdh consists of 58 isoforms which are divided into three gene cluster structures (α, β, and γ) in its genome and they have homophilic adhesion properties. In the CNS, cPcdhs are expressed in most neurons. Around 15 isoforms are stochastically expressed in different combinations in each cell, which gives each cell its individuality. It has been reported that the deletion of cPcdhγ in inhibitory neurons in the telencephalic region, abnormal long-lasting neural activity had been observed by whisker stimulation in the somatosensory cortex. These results suggest that cPcdhγ in inhibitory neurons could be involved in the formation of appropriate cortical neural circuits. A variety of inhibitory neurons exist in the cerebral cortex. Among them, parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) neuron occupies 50% of the inhibitory neural population and high frequently forms reciprocal connections with pyramidal neurons. It is thought to play important roles in information processing by modulation of visual response property of pyramidal cells and generation of the cortical gamma oscillation. In this study, I investigated the influence of cPcdhγ deletion in PV+ neurons on local neural circuits that form with PV+ neurons and pyramidal neurons in the primary visual cortex of mice by whole-cell patch clamp recording in conditional cPcdhγ deletion mice in PV+ neuron (PV-Cre; cPcdhγfl/fl: KO mice). The deletion of cPcdhγ in PV+ neurons did not affect the membrane properties of PV+ neurons and pyramidal neurons. To examine the connection between PV+ neurons and pyramidal neurons, simultaneous double whole-cell recordings were performed. The connection probability between PV+ neuron and pyramidal neurons and the strength of unitary inhibitory synaptic responses were similar between control and KO mice. I examined the connection relationship between PV+ and multiple neighboring pyramidal neurons in control mice by multiple whole-cell recordings. As a result, I found two types of PV+ neurons with different connectivity with pyramidal neurons: high reciprocal connectivity to neighboring pyramidal neurons (high-reciprocity) and low-reciprocity. Surprisingly, those classifications were lost in KO mice, indicating that cPcdhγ might determine the differential connectivity of each PV+ neuron within layer 2/3. To reveal the influence of cPcdhγ KO in interlaminar connectivity, I performed excitatory input map through layer 2/3 to layer 6 by whole- cell recording and laser-scan photostimulation using caged glutamate. I found that cPcdhγ-deleted PV+ neurons receive more inputs from layer 5 and layer 6 pyramidal cells compared to control mice. These results indicate that cPcdhγ is involved in not only intralaminar connections but also interlaminar connections in the visual cortex. To investigate the relationship between expression patterns of cPcdhγ isoforms in each neuron and neural connectivity, I combined whole-cell patch clamp with single cell RNA sequence. I found that reciprocally connected PV+ neurons and pyramidal neurons shared the same type of cPcdhγ isoforms significantly more compared to shuffled data. This study revealed that cPcdhγ PV+ neurons regulate the specificity of cortical intralaminar and interlaminar networks.



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