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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Neuronal representation of locomotion during motivated behavior in the mouse anterior cingulate cortex」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Neuronal representation of locomotion during motivated behavior in the mouse anterior cingulate cortex

Sachuriga 富山大学



〔目的〕When we engage in a continuous and/or repetitive reward-seeking activity that involves movement, we make unconscious decisions based on our past experiences and potential outcomes to value the effort. In many mammals, such a reward-seeking activity involves overground locomotion (e.g., walking and running). The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been implicated in motor planning, motor control, sensory processing, emotion, motivation, and evaluation of outcome value. Behavioral studies reported that ACC lesions causes akinetic mutism, impairments in movement initiation, and deficits in self-paced motor tasks. These findings suggest that the ACC integrates sensory and motivated (reward) information to initiate and maintain locomotion. However, it is unclear how ACC neurons dynamically represent motivated locomotor behavior in a self-paced task. The current study examined how information of locomotion and reward outcomes is temporally represented by individual and ensemble ACC neurons in mice in a self-paced and reward-based locomotor task.

〔方法〕Seven male C57BL/6J mice were used for the experiment. To record neural signals during performance of the task, a single array with four tetrodes was implanted in the left ACC under anesthesia, and an aluminum frame was cemented on the exposed skull for the animal to be attached to the behavioral apparatus. Then, the mice were trained to perform the self-paced and reward-based locomotor task consisting of repeated runs on a spherical treadmill to obtain a reward. The mouse had to initiate a run and then stop (preparatory run). When the mouse stopped, a white square on the monitor was presented for 2 s as a visual cue, a time window where the animal had to restart running (reward run). After running for more than 1 s, sucrose water was dispensed as a reward, and a white rectangle was presented for 4 s as visual feedback. If the mouse did not restart or complete the 1 s reward run, they were not rewarded (non-reward trial) and had a 3 s time out (the cue cannot be triggered during this period). During performance of the task, activities of ACC neurons were recorded and then isolated into single neurons for further analysis. In individual neurons, peri-event histograms (PETHs) around the task events were created and analyzed by a repeated one-way ANOVA. Ensemble activity of ACC neurons was also analyzed by a demixed principal component analysis (dPCA). After recording, the mice were perfused, and electrode locations were histologically identified.

〔結果〕The 343 neurons were recorded from the ACC during the task performance. Of 343 ACC neurons, activity of 81 neurons (23.6%, 81/343) was significantly modulated around the timing of the reward delivery (Type 1 neurons). Thirty-six neurons (10.0%, 36/343) significantly increased firing rates when the mouse spontaneously started to run (Type 2 neurons). Twenty-six neurons (7.6%, 26/343) significantly decreased firing rates when the mice began to spontaneously run (Type 3 neurons). Furthermore, by applying a dPCA, the ACC population activity was decomposed into components representing locomotion and the previous (retrospective)/future (prospective) reward outcome.

〔総括〕The main finding of this study is that the ACC activity mainly represents locomotion during motivated reward-based behavior, which requires repetitive running. Activity patterns of the individual ACC neurons suggest that Types 2 and 3 encode the proactive locomotor and inactive elements of the task, respectively. At the populational level, the first component of the dPCA represented the time course of locomotion that was independent of reward outcomes. These findings indicate that the ACC mainly encodes the timing of locomotion, specifically the initiation, maintenance and termination of the movement in the self-paced task. Furthermore, ensemble activity of the ACC neurons represented prospective and retrospective reward outcome. These findings suggest that the ACC encodes the reward information to affect motor behavior (locomotion). In conclusion, the present results provide a neurophysiological basis of a self-paced motivated locomotor behavior: ACC neurons encode reward information required for decision of initiation and maintenance of locomotor behavior and also encode actual locomotion.


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