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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「RGB-D SLAM技術を用いた産業用マニピュレータのための運動学キャリブレーションと3Dマッピングの同時実行」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




RGB-D SLAM技術を用いた産業用マニピュレータのための運動学キャリブレーションと3Dマッピングの同時実行

李 景輝 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00013926



Like many other technologies in human history, these advanced technologies are changing the way people live and work. Since the dawn of the robotic revolution began in earnest in the 1950s, there have been a variety of different robots that play different roles in our life. In particular, industrial robots play crucial roles in the process of social productivity among them. Recently, more accurate, productive, and economical industrial manipulators have been demanded in the industrial community. Industrial manipulators can offer lower manufacturing costs and better quality when doing repetitive works. And we know that the accuracy of the manipulators is one of the most important factors influencing the quality of the product. However, a manipulator will produce kinematic errors during manufacturing. The manual calibration method has a high cost and limited quality, which can not meet production demands. Thus more effective automatic kinematic calibration is demanded. Moreover, environmental mapping has served for the motion planning of the manipulator. However, it is also a time-consuming work to reconstruct the workspace.

The main purpose of this thesis is to propose a more effective and economical method which can improve the accuracy of industrial manipulators. I introduce a simultaneous kinematic calibration, localization, and mapping (SKCLAM) method, which can simultaneously calibrate the kinematic parameters of an industrial robot manipulator and reconstruct an environment map of the workspace by using an RGB-D camera attached to its end effector. First of all, I will introduce the background of this study first. Then, I will define the SKCLAM problem and propose the basic idea of the SKCLAM method to solve it. In this dissertation, two SKCLAM approaches will be reported. The biggest difference between these two approaches is kinematic calibration without or with calibration markers. Moreover, RGB-D SLAM techniques are considered for 3D reconstruction of workspace. I will establish some simulations and experiments to confirm the effectiveness of the SKCLAM method. The results of the kinematic calibration and 3D reconstruction also will be evaluated. Both SKCLAM approaches can perform these two tasks successfully. However, the number of the kinematic parameters that can be calibrated and calibration accuracy without calibration markers are less than those with calibration markers, which requires less preparatory works. Finally, I will discuss the SKCLAM method and the future of this work.


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