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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Scalar, fermionic and supersymmetric field theories with subsystem symmetries in d + 1 dimensions」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Scalar, fermionic and supersymmetric field theories with subsystem symmetries in d + 1 dimensions

Honda, Masazumi Nakanishi, Taiichi 京都大学 DOI:10.1007/JHEP03(2023)188



We study various non-relativistic field theories with exotic symmetries called subsystem symmetries, which have recently attracted much attention in the context of fractons. We start with a scalar theory called ϕ-theory in d + 1 dimensions and discuss its properties studied in literature for d ≤ 3 such as self-duality, vacuum structure, ’t Hooft anomaly, anomaly inflow and lattice regularization. Next we study a theory called chiral ϕ-theory which is an analogue of a chiral boson with subsystem symmetries. Then we discuss theories including fermions with subsystem symmetries. We first construct a supersymmetric version of the ϕ-theory and dropping its bosonic part leads us to a purely fermionic theory with subsystem symmetries called ψ-theory. We argue that lattice regularization of the ψ-theory generically suffers from an analogue of doubling problem as previously pointed out in the d = 3 case. We propose an analogue of Wilson fermion to avoid the “doubling” problem. We also supersymmetrize the chiral ϕ-theory and dropping the bosonic part again gives us a purely fermionic theory. We finally discuss vacuum structures of the theories with fermions and find that they are infinitely degenerate because of spontaneous breaking of subsystem symmetries.



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chiral φ-theory. We finally discussed vacuum structures of the theories including fermions

and found that the vacua are infinitely degenerate.

There are various interesting directions for future. We have seen that the models

discussed in this paper have common features to ordinary (1+1)-dimensional field theories.

Therefore it would be interesting to see whether or not there are other common phenomena

such as bosonization, anomalies and index theorem. We also discussed the analogues of

the chiral boson and chiral fermion while a precise meaning of “chirality” in this context is

still unclear. It would be interesting if one finds an appropriate definition of the “chirality”.

It should be also important to study the “doubling problem” in lattice regularization

of fermionic theories with subsystem symmetries in more detail. In particular this paper

proposed only one prescription by an analogue of Wilson fermion while there should be

other ways to avoid the problem such as analogues of Staggered, overlap and domain wall

fermions. It would be also illuminating to see whether there is an analogue of the NielsenNinomiya theorem [31, 32] for field theories with subsystem symmetries.

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