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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Selective deployment of virulence effectors correlates with host specificity in a fungal plant pathogen」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Selective deployment of virulence effectors correlates with host specificity in a fungal plant pathogen

Inoue, Yoshihiro Phuong Vy, Trinh Thi Singkaravanit‐Ogawa, Suthitar Zhang, Ru Yamada, Kohji Ogawa, Taiki Ishizuka, Junya Narusaka, Yoshihiro Takano, Yoshitaka 京都大学 DOI:10.1111/nph.18790



The hemibiotrophic fungal plant pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare is predicted to secrete hundreds of effector proteins when the pathogen infects cucurbit crops, such as cucumber and melon, and tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana), a distantly related Solanaceae species. Here, we report the identification of sets of C. orbiculare effector genes that are differentially required for fungal virulence to two phylogenetically distant host species. Through targeted gene knockout screening of C. orbiculare ‘core’ effector candidates defined based on in planta gene expression, we identified: four host-specific virulence effectors (named effector proteins for cucurbit infection, or EPCs) that are required for full virulence of C. orbiculare to cucurbit hosts, but not to the Solanaceae host N. benthamiana; and five host-nonspecific virulence effectors, which collectively contribute to fungal virulence to both hosts. During host infection, only a small subset of genes, including the host-specific EPC effector genes, showed preferential expression on one of the hosts, while gene expression profiles of the majority of other genes, including the five host-nonspecific effector genes, were common to both hosts. This work suggests that C. orbiculare adopts a host-specific effector deployment strategy, in addition to general host-blind virulence mechanisms, for adaptation to cucurbit hosts.



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Supporting Information

Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the

Supporting Information section at the end of the article.

Dataset S1 Amico acid sequences of 13 287 protein-coding genes

of Colletotrichum orbiculare 104-T predicted in this study.

Fig. S1 Cytological observation of cucumber infection by Colletotrichum orbiculare 104-T.

Fig. S2 Differentially expressed genes between in vitro and in

planta conditions.

New Phytologist (2023) 238: 1578–1592


Fig. S3 Schematic representation of the experimental design for

quantification of virulence effect on cucumber.

Fig. S19 Appressoria formation of the Top5 quintuple knockout

mutants on different hosts.

Fig. S4 Virulence of isolates from the Colletotrichum orbiculare

species complex on Nicotiana benthamiana.

Fig. S20 Hyphal growth of the Top5 quintuple knockout

mutants on PDA medium.

Fig. S5 Lesion development by Colletotrichum orbiculare on

cucurbit hosts and Nicotiana benthamiana.

Fig. S21 Amino acid sequence of g_04549.

Fig. S6 Cytological observation of Nicotiana benthamiana infection by Colletotrichum orbiculare 104-T.

Fig. S7 Amino acid sequence of EPC1 and comparisons with its


Fig. S8 Amino acid sequence of EPC2 and phylogenetic relationships of its homologs.

Fig. S9 Alignment of amino acid sequences of EPC4 homologs.

Fig. S10 Amino acid sequence of EPC3 and phylogenetic relationships and virulence contribution of its homologs.

Fig. S22 Alignment of amino acid sequences of g_09965 homologs from Colletotrichum species.

Fig. S23 Alignment of amino acid sequences of g_13573 homologs from Colletotrichum species.

Fig. S24 Amino acid sequence and phylogenetic relationships of

g_01264 homologs.

Fig. S25 Amino acid sequence and phylogenetic relationships of

g_01222 homologs.

Table S1 Colletotrichum orbiculare isolates used in this study.

Table S2 Primers used in this study.

Fig. S11 Knockout (KO) vectors for generation of EPC multigene KO mutants and maps of genomic regions around the target


Table S3 Colletotrichum orbiculare strains used in this study.

Table S4 Summary of RNA-seq reads and mapping statistics.

Fig. S12 Quantification of fungal biomass by qPCR.

Table S5 Plasmids used in this study.

Fig. S13 Appressorium formation ratio of EPC knockout strains.

Fig. S14 Measurement of appressorial penetration of inert cellophane membranes by EPC quadruple knockout mutants.

Fig. S15 Differentially expressed genes of Colletotrichum orbiculare during infection of two distantly related host species, cucumber and Nicotiana benthamiana.

Fig. S16 Knockout (KO) vectors for generation of the Top5

multigene KO mutants and maps of genomic regions around the

target genes.

Fig. S17 Genetic complementation of the Top5 quintuple

knockout mutant.

Table S6 List of in planta-induced core secreted protein genes of

Colletotrichum orbiculare.

Table S7 Significantly upregulated Colletotrichum orbiculare

genes on cucumber compared with on Nicotiana benthamiana at

24 hpi.

Table S8 Significantly upregulated Colletotrichum orbiculare

genes on Nicotiana benthamiana compared with on cucumber at

24 hpi.

Please note: Wiley is not responsible for the content or functionality of any Supporting Information supplied by the authors. Any

queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the

New Phytologist Central Office.

Fig. S18 Quantification of host penetration and invasive hyphal

growth of the Top5 quintuple knockout mutants.

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