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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Conformational change of RNA-helicase DHX30 by ALS/FTD-linked FUS induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic aggregates.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Conformational change of RNA-helicase DHX30 by ALS/FTD-linked FUS induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic aggregates.

HIKIAMI Ryota 10885354 MORIMURA Toshifumi 20333338 AYAKI Takashi TSUKIYAMA Tomoyuki 60612132 0000-0002-2657-7719 MORIMURA Naoko 00349044 KUSUI Makiko WADA Hideki MINAMIYAMA Sumio SHODAI Akemi ASADA-UTSUGI Megumi MURAMATSU Shin-Ichi 10239543 0000-0002-3185-7790 UEKI Takatoshi Takahashi Ryosuke 0000-0002-1407-9640 URUSHITANI Makoto 60332326 0000-0003-2773-9836 滋賀医科大学



Genetic mutations in fused in sarcoma (FUS) cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Although mitochondrial dysfunction and stress granule have been crucially implicated in FUS proteinopathy, the molecular basis remains unclear. Here, we show that DHX30, a component of mitochondrial RNA granules required for mitochondrial ribosome assembly, interacts with FUS, and plays a crucial role in ALS-FUS. WT FUS did not affect mitochondrial localization of DHX30, but the mutant FUS lowered the signal of mitochondrial DHX30 and promoted the colocalization of cytosolic FUS aggregates and stress granule markers. The immunohistochemistry of the spinal cord from an ALS-FUS patient also confirmed the colocalization, and the immunoelectron microscope demonstrated decreased mitochondrial DHX30 signal in the spinal motor neurons. Subcellular fractionation by the detergent-solubility and density-gradient ultracentrifugation revealed that mutant FUS also promoted cytosolic mislocalization of DHX30 and aggregate formation. Interestingly, the mutant FUS disrupted the DHX30 conformation with aberrant disulfide formation, leading to impaired mitochondrial translation. Moreover, blue-native gel electrophoresis revealed an OXPHOS assembly defect caused by the FUS mutant, which was similar to that caused by DHX30 knockdown. Collectively, our study proposes DHX30 as a pivotal molecule in which disulfide-mediated conformational change mediates mitochondrial dysfunction and cytosolic aggregate formation in ALS-FUS.



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