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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「On a mathematical modeling and a computer-aided analysis for self-propelled systems」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




On a mathematical modeling and a computer-aided analysis for self-propelled systems

安ヶ平, 裕介 北海道大学



Since the work of T. Vicsek et al., many theoretical analyses using particle motion models have been performed to understand the collective motion of biological species [1]. For example, flocks of birds [2], schools of fish [3], and insect swarms [4] have been investigated. In addition, physicists have developed many mathematical models of collective motion assuming various interactions [6–11]. Recently, there is also an analysis of collective motion that considers non-local interactions [12]. Moreover, spontaneous motions of non-living systems have been reported, such as collective motions using liquid crystal molecules [13], micotubes [14, 15], asymmetric particles called Janus colloidal particles [17] on the micromere scale [18], millimeter rods [16], etc.

In particular, there is a macroscopic experimental system called a selfpropelled system in which individual materials move by changing the state of the field. For example, camphor particles [19] and oil droplets [20, 21] move in translational motion by changing the surface tension of the water.

Many types of research have been performed to understand the mechanism of collective motions using such self-propelled systems, and collective motions on annular water channels using camphor boats and camphor disks [22, 23] and on the water surface of petri dishes [24–26] have been reported. In addition, a self-assembly motion of droplets has been reported by using the chemical reaction [27]. The mathematical model has also been proposed to understand the collective motion for such macroscopic selfpropelled material. For example, there is a mathematical model for the collective motion of camphor boats in the annular water channel [28] and the collective oscillatory motion of camphor disks [29], and there is also a mathematical model for the self-assembly motion of droplets with the chemical reaction [30].



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