
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「癌性腹膜炎を主たる病変とする原発不明癌の一群の予後解析」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





木村 恵理 鈴木 修平 佐野町 友美 髙橋 鴻志 渡邉  要 福井 忠久 吉岡 孝志 山形大学



【結果】漿液性腺癌、女性、癌性腹膜炎のみ、CA125上昇を完全に満たす例は1例で、漿液性腺癌を腺癌に条件緩和すると、8例であったが感度特異度、生存差の検出は不十分であった。実臨床を意識し、胸水とリンパ節転移を許容しCA125高値をCA125/CEA>100に条件を変更すると、奏効に対する高い感度(100%)特異度(86%)を得、全生存期間で有意差(890 vs 64 days, p<0.001)を得た。



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Yamagata Med J(ISSN 0288-030X)2020;38




DOI 00.00000/00000000

DOI 10.15022/00004782

The prognosis of patients with cancer of unknown primary

origin showing mainly carcinomatous peritonitis

Eri Kimura*, Shuhei Suzuki**, Tomomi Sanomachi**, Koushi Takahashi**,

Kaname Watanabe**, Tadahisa Fukui**, Takashi Yoshioka**

Medical student, Yamagata University Facutly of Medicine


Department of Clinical Oncorogy, Yamagata University Hospital


Background: Cancer of unknown primary origin is associated with a poor prognosis, but there is a

group of patients with a favorable prognosis. A subset of patients fulfilling the following 4 criteria

shows a course similar to that of patients with peritoneal cancer: female, peritoneal lesion, increased

CA125, and serous adenocarcinoma. However, only a few patients fulfill all 4 criteria. There are also

patients who only partly fulfill these criteria but show a course similar to that of those with peritoneal

cancer and favorable outcomes. Therefore, we performed a retrospective study of criteria to identify

a group showing a favorable course resembling that of those with peritoneal cancer among patients

with cancer of unknown primary origin.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 26 patients with cancer of unknown primary origin showing

mainly carcinomatous peritonitis who underwent chemotherapy at the Clinical Oncology Department

of our hospital, and performed exploratory data analysis. This study was performed with the approval

of the ethical committee.

Results: Only 1 patient fulfilled all 4 criteria(serous adenocarcinoma, female, carcinomatous

peritonitis, and increased CA125)

. When serous adenocarcinoma was changed to adenocarcinoma

as relaxation of the criterion, 8 patients fulfilled the 4 criteria. However, adequate sensitivity/

specificity or differences in survival were not detected. Considering clinical practice, pleural effusion

and lymph node metastasis were included in the criteria, and the increased CA125 was changed to

CA125/CEA>100. Consequently, a high sensitivity(100%)and specificity(86%)to responses and

a significant difference in overall survival(standard vs new criteria: 890 vs 64 days)were obtained


Discussion: Although only a few patients completely fulfill the criteria for peritoneal cancer, new

criteria including pleural effusion, lymph node metastasis, and CA125/CEA may be useful.

Keywords: cancer of unknown primary origin, peritoneal cancer, pleural effusion, lymph node, CA125





