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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Numerical Study of Surface Pressure Fluctuation on Rigid Disk-Gap-Band-Type Supersonic Parachutes」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Numerical Study of Surface Pressure Fluctuation on Rigid Disk-Gap-Band-Type Supersonic Parachutes

Kitamura K 20402547 Fukumoto K Mori K 90375121 横浜国立大学



In the aerodynamic characteristics of supersonic parachutes, it is important to understand surface pressure distribution because it is strongly related to the fluctuation of drag and problematic unstable deformation of a parachute. However, there is a paucity of studies that focuses on the detailed surface pressure distribution. Therefore, we investigated the interior and exterior of a rigid disk-gap-band-type parachute as the first step, under the assumption that the forebody or suspension lines are absent, and thus the pressure and drag fluctuations are small. Two configurations are considered: one with a continuous gap and a vent orifice, representing a conventional Disk-Gap-Band parachute, and one with a discontinuous gap made up of 8 separate orifices and a vent orifice. By making the gap discontinuous, the interior and exterior pressure fluctuations are reduced. Furthermore, as indicated by the flowfield analysis, the discrete gap reduces the asymmetric pressure distribution interior the parachute, and the interior pressure fluctuation far from the center is suppressed. The result is considered useful for the suppression of unstable deformation such as area oscillation. This is currently a problem in supersonic parachute operation. In addition, we have identified locations on the model surface where the pressure fluctuations contribute to the drag fluctuations of the model.



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C. Pantano

Associate Editor




