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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of Boron Carriers Equipped with Mono- and Dimeric Macrocyclic Polyamines and Their Zinc(II) Complexes for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of Boron Carriers Equipped with Mono- and Dimeric Macrocyclic Polyamines and Their Zinc(II) Complexes for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

上田 大貴 Hiroki Ueda 東京理科大学 DOI:info:doi/10.20604/00003683



Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a binary therapeutic method for the treatment of certain type of cancers such as malignant glioma, malignant melanoma and recurrent head and neck cancer and is based on a combination of boron (1°B) delivery agents and thermal neutron radiation. The nuclear reaction between 1°B atoms and thermal neutrons ('n) yield heavy particles, tHe?* (a) and List ions, which induce the destruction of biomolecules within short path length of 5-9 um, resulting in that cytotoxic effect is limited to cells that contain 10B. To date, only two boron-containing drugs, sodium mercaptoborate (BSH) and I-4-boronophenylalanine (BPA) have been used for clinical cancer treatment, and both have some drawbacks in terms of the tumor type that can be treated. Therefore, the discovery of more efficient and less toxic boron delivery agents would be highly desirable. This background has prompted us to develop the novel boron delivery agents functionalized with macrocyclic polyamine scaffolds such as [9]aneN3, [12]aneN4, and [15]aneNs and their Zn? complexes. In this manuscript, we report on the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of boron-containing mono- and dimeric macrocyclic polyamines and their Zn?* complexes for boron neutron capture therapy.

In Chapter 2, we report on the design and synthesis of boron carriers equipped with 9-, 12-, and 15-membered macrocyclic polyamines and the corresponding Zn?* complexes. It is known that polyamines are essential molecules for various cellular functions including protein synthesis and DNA replication, and that an increase in the concentration of them associated with a cell growth activation of cancer cells. In addition, it has been known that macrocyclic polyamines form stable complexes with intracellular metal ions and that Zn?+-[12]aneN4 complexes selectively recognize with thymidine (dT) part in DNA. Therefore, we expected that macrocyclic polyamines having boron units would be efficiently uptaken into cancer cells and that the thermal neutron irradiation would induce effective DNA damage when 1°B atoms are accumulated near DNA molecules. In this study, we synthesized monomeric [9]aneNs, [12]aneN4, and [15]aneNs compounds containing cyclic boron ester units in natural abundant ratio (B/B = 19.9/ 80.1) and examined their biological activities such as cytotoxicity and intracellular uptake. Thereafter, some promising compounds were selected and their corresponding 1°B-enriched forms were prepared for BNCT experiments. It was found that these monomeric B carriers were efficiently taken up to cancer cells (A549 and HeLa S3 cells) possibly via polyamine transport system. In addition, the results of in vitro BNCT studies indicate that [12]aneN4- and [15]aneNs-type 10B-enriched macrocycles effectively inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells upon thermal neutron irradiation, possibly via the interaction with DNA.

In Chapter 3, we report on the design and synthesis of DNA-targeting boron agents that are bound with homo- and hetero-dimers of macrocyclic polyamines and their corresponding Zn?+ complexes. It was expected that the dizinc(II) complexes of these ligands would interact with two adjacent thymidine (thymidy1(3'-5')thymidine, d(TpT)) units, resulting in more efficient contact with DNA and its more efficient breakdown upon irradiation with thermal neutrons. In this work, the boron-containing macrocyclic polyamine dimers and the corresponding Zn?+ complexes were synthesized. We examined their interaction with calf-thymus DNA (cDNA) and evaluated their cytotoxicity and intracellular uptake activity using both cancer and normal cell lines. It was found that homo- and heterodimer of macrocyclic polyamines and their Zn?* complexes interact with double-stranded DNA and that they are much less cytotoxic than the monomers. The results of in vitro BNCT experiments using 10B-enriched forms of selected compounds indicate that the cytotoxic effect of dimeric 10B carriers is almost same as that of 10B-BPA and weaker than that of the monomeric [12]aneN4- and [15]aneNs-type macrocycles reported in Chapter 2, possibly due to their lower boron uptake and unexpected interactions with intracellular biomolecules. These data suggest that the 10B carriers based on monomeric [12]aneN4 and [15]aneNs described in Chapter 2 are preferable for BNCT than ditopic macrocyclic polyamine-type 1°B carriers.

In conclusion, we have successfully developed the novel candidates for DNA-targeting BNCT agent equipped with mono- and dimeric macrocyclic polyamines and their Zn?+ complexes. We believe that these findings afford important and useful information regarding the fundamental chemistry of boron containing drugs and the design and synthesis of safer and more effecient BNCT agents.


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