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石, 瑞 SHI, RUI シー, ルイ 九州大学



Titanium (Ti) implants that realize rapid osseointegration are required for favorable outcome. Rough implant surfaces favor osseointegration, and the coating of implants with natural bone mineral, i.e., carbonate apatite (CO3Ap), may be effective for osseointegration. To achieve rapid osseointegration, rough Ti substrates were coated with CO3Ap (CO3Ap-Ti), and the effects were evaluated in vitro and in vivo. For comparison, rough Ti without coating (rough-Ti) and calcium carbonate-coated rough Ti (CaCO3-Ti) substrates were fabricated. The adhesive strengths of CaCO3 and CO3Ap to the substrates were ~56.6 and ~76.8 MPa, respectively, being significantly higher than the strength defined in ISO13779-2 (15 MPa). CaCO3 and CO3Ap coatings significantly promoted pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation. Additionally, the CO3Ap coating promoted higher osteogenic differentiation activity than CaCO3 coating. CO3Ap-Ti implantation into rabbit tibia defects prompted bone maturation, compared to CaCO3-Ti or rough-Ti implantation. The bone-implant contact percentage with CO3Ap-Ti and CaCO3-Ti was higher than that with rough-Ti. Consequently, CO3Ap -Ti acquired robust bond with the host bone at early stage (four weeks post-implantation), compared to CaCO3-Ti and rough-Ti: the CO3Ap-Ti–bone bonding strength was ~1.9- and ~5.5-fold higher than that of CaCO3-Ti and rough-Ti, respectively. Thus, CO3Ap coating of Ti implants was effective for achieving rapid osseointegration.


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