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Active queue management based on control-theoretic approaches for diversified communication services (本文)

堀地, 亮佑 慶應義塾大学



Many things we see these days make use of the Internet. Numerous electronic devices, including personal computers and smartphones, can send and receive various information by accessing the Internet. With the advent of the Internet, it became possible for people worldwide to communicate with each other, control devices remotely, and collect information. In the modern world, it is safe to say that the Internet is essential infrastructure.

Figure 1-1 shows a conceptual diagram showing the transition of communication contents. Each picture shown in Fig. 1-1 denotes a type of communication content, along with the data size example under standard usage. At the dawn of the Internet technology, people used to exchange only text via the Internet, since both the bandwidth of the Internet and the specifications of the electronic devices were not capable of handling a large data. As the technology evolves, the data size of communication contents has become much larger, just like Fig. 1-1 shows. It is not rare to see people downloading movie data with their smartphones in recent years. Even now, the number of Internet users is continuously increasing. In September 2019, the penetration rate of the Internet in Japan reached 89.8% [1], which can be roughly estimated to be over 113 million people, based on the population research result back then [2]. Considering this growth of the Internet user population and the data volume enlargement of communication contents, it is easy to foresee that the total amount of Internet traffics is rising.

In addition, the interests in the Internet-of-things (IoT) technology currently arising may further increase the total amount of Internet traffics [3, 4]. As the IoT becomes more popular, even more devices may be connected to the Internet, creating even more complicated sensor and actuator networks [5, 6]. The number of devices communicating over the Internet is expected to keep on increasing beyond the magnitude of the total human population. The recent transition from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) [7] to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) [8] due to the Internet Protocol (IP) address exhaustion vividly reflects this phenomenon [9].

Figure 1-2 shows the total amount of download traffic over the Internet in Japan [10]. The plots denoted as “5 ISP companies” are the estimation values calculated from the data provided by five Internet service provider (ISP) companies, which are Internet Initiative Japan Inc., OPTAGE Inc., KDDI Corporation, SoftBank Corp., and NTT Communications Corporation. The plots denoted as “9 ISP companies” are the estimation values calculated from the data provided by nine ISP companies, which are the five aforementioned companies, NTT Plala Inc., Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd., BIGLOBE Inc., and NIFTY Corporation. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan added the latter mentioned four ISP companies in May 2017, making the data discontinuous from November 2016 to May 2017. This is the reason why the plots switch from “5 ISP companies” to “9 ISP companies” in May 2017. The connection line from the plot of November 2016 to May 2017 is drawn with a dotted line, showing that the data were discontinuous. From Fig. 1-2, we can see that the amount of total download traffic is still increasing, and its increment rate may accelerate even more in the future.


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