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Recent Advances on the Role and Therapeutic Potential of Regulatory T Cells in Atherosclerosis

Tanaka, Toru Sasaki, Naoto Rikitake, Yoshiyuki 神戸大学



Atherosclerotic diseases, including ischemic heart disease and stroke, are a main cause of mortality worldwide. Chronic vascular inflammation via immune dysregulation is critically involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Accumulating evidence suggests that regulatory T cells (Tregs), responsible for maintaining immunological tolerance and suppressing excessive immune responses, play an important role in preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis through the regulation of pathogenic immunoinflammatory responses. Several strategies to prevent and treat atherosclerosis through the promotion of regulatory immune responses have been developed, and could be clinically applied for the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In this review, we summarize recent advances in our understanding of the protective role of Tregs in atherosclerosis and discuss attractive approaches to treat atherosclerotic disease by augmenting regulatory immune responses.





















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