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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Identification of The Unique Subtype of Macrophages in Aneurysm Lesions at the Growth Phase」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Identification of The Unique Subtype of Macrophages in Aneurysm Lesions at the Growth Phase

Okada, Akihiro 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k24785



Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to rupture of intracranial aneurysm (IA) has a high
morbidity and mortality rate, making this disease as the most severe form among stroke
[1, 2]. Considered with the devastating outcome in spite of modern technical advancement
in medical interventions and medical care, a novel therapeutic strategy based on the
pathogenesis of IAs should be established. Here because the observation studies have
consistently revealed the positive association of the size of IAs with the annual risk of
rupture [3-6], the machineries mediating the growth of IAs could presumably be a target.
Recent experimental studies have successfully defined IAs as a chronic inflammatory
disease affecting intracranial arteries mainly at bifurcation sites [7-19]. The inhibition of
inflammatory responses has suppressed the initiation, the growth or the rupture of the
lesions as expected [10, 11, 20-22]. In the process regulating the inflammation in lesions,
macrophages exert the crucial role to trigger, exacerbate or maintain inflammatory
responses in microenvironment of the disease [7-9, 12, 16, 17, 19]. ...



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Figure Legends

Fig. 1. The labeling of macrophages accumulating in aneurysm lesions in rats.

The labeling of macrophages accumulating in aneurysm lesions induced in the surgicallyformed bifurcation site induced in carotid artery of rats. The macroscopic view of the

aneurysm lesion induced in the surgically-formed bifurcation site induced in carotid

artery of rats is shown (a). The macrophages were labeled by the engulfment of liposome

containing fluorescent protein, DiI, were then visualized. The representative images of


accumulating macrophages in lesions from sections (b) or specimens with tissue

transparency (c) are shown. Dotted lines in (b) and (c) indicate the arterial walls or the

lesions. Scale Bars in (a), (b) or (c); 400 µm, 200 µm or 400 µm.

Fig. 2. Engulfing of DiI-containing liposome specifically by macrophages and the

dissection of macrophages by referencing DiI.

(a) Engulfing of DiI-containing liposome specifically by macrophages. HEK293 cells and

RAW264.7 cells were co-cultured and treated with DiI-containing liposome subjecting to

immunohistochemistry. The images from immunohistochemistry for the macrophage

marker, CD68 (green), the images of DiI (red), the nuclear staining by DAPI (blue) or the

merged images are shown. Scale bar; 50 µm. (b) The dissection of macrophages by lasermicrodissection technique. Macrophages were isolated by laser-microdissection

technique by referencing DiI. The images before or after the dissection are shown. Scale

bar; 10 µm.

Fig. 3. The identification of the unique macrophage subtype in aneurysm lesions at

the growth phase.

(a) The clustering analysis for gene expression profile in macrophages isolated from


aneurysm lesions at the growth phase. (b) The principal component analysis of gene

expression profile in macrophages isolated from aneurysm lesions, bone-marrow derived

M0 macrophages or M1 macrophages. (c, d) The heat map and the Venn diagram of overexpressed (c) or under-expressed genes (d) in macrophages isolated from aneurysm

lesions compared with that in bone-marrow derived M0 macrophages or M1 macrophages.

Fig. 4. The presence of nerves along arterial walls in bifurcation of intracranial


The presence of myelinating nerves along arterial walls at bifurcation sites. The

bifurcation site of anterior cerebral artery – olfactory artery was harvested subjecting to

scanning electron microscopic examination and immunohistochemistry. The images from

the scanning electron microscopic examination (a) and the immunohistochemistry for the

smooth muscle cell marker, a-smooth muscle actin (red in b), the markers for Schwann

cells, S100 (gray in b) or Sox10 (green in b), and merged image with nuclear staining by

DAPI (blue in b) are shown (b). The magnified image corresponding to the square in the

upper panel is shown in the lower panel in (a). Scale bar; 50 µm.


Table 1. Up-represented terms in macrophages from aneurysm lesions at the growth phase

compared with in vitro-differentiated M0 from Biological Process and the top 15 list from

Molecular Function in gene ontology analysis.

Biological Process

P value

Sensory perception of taste


Response to pheromone


Neuropeptide signaling pathway


Humoral immune response


Antimicrobial humoral response


Serotonin receptor signaling pathway


Sensory perception of bitter taste


Antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide


G protein-coupled serotonin receptor signaling pathway


Defense response to bacterium


Molecular Function

P value

Odorant binding


Pheromone receptor activity


Neurotransmitter receptor activity


Gated channel activity


Channel activity


Passive transmembrane transporter activity


Hormone activity


Ion channel activity


G protein-coupled amine receptor activity


G protein-coupled peptide receptor activity


Postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor activity


Peptide receptor activity


Ligand-gated ion channel activity


Neuropeptide receptor activity


Transmitter-gated ion channel activity


Table 2. Up-represented terms in macrophages from aneurysm lesions at the growth phase

compared with in vitro-differentiated M1 from Biological Process and the top 15 list from

Molecular Function in gene ontology analysis.

Biological Process

P value

Sensory perception of taste


Response to pheromone


Neuropeptide signaling pathway


Serotonin receptor signaling pathway


Molecular Function

P value

Odorant binding


Pheromone receptor activity


Gated channel activity


Neurotransmitter receptor activity


Channel activity


Passive transmembrane transporter activity


Ion channel activity


G protein-coupled amine receptor activity


Hormone activity


G protein-coupled peptide receptor activity


Potassium channel activity


Ligand-gated ion channel activity


Postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor activity


Peptide receptor activity


Transmitter-gated ion channel activity





